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30.  okoi - ko me?n - ja?t - taikena punur a ar
  who - pl say - tense bush and
  okoi - ko me?n - ja?t -taiken-a banaa
  who - pl. say - tense -cop bear
  Some people suspected it as bush and some others
  suspected it as bear.
31.  kintu ini - do banaa -ge
  but that bear -emph
  That was bear itself.
32.  kakala - ked - i bana - re - kin dhau - ked -a
  noise -past - Qu.bear- two run -past -cop
  When they heard the noise, they started running.
33.  lu·u - me?n - te moyon h bana - japar
  Ludu - that - case are man bear - near
  seer - kate banaa - ke a?e - aaa - te
  reach - while bear - case he - case stick - case
  dalki - c&i; banaa rua -hi?i -kate lu·u - lo
  hit - bear return - come - while Ludu -case
  obta - hoi -jan -a
fight - happen - past -cop
  One man by name Ludu went near the bear and hit it with his
  stick ; the bear turned towards him and attacked him.
34.  h - ko luu ar bana kakala ayom - te
  man -pl. Ludu and bear noise hear - case
  okoi - okoido daru - de?e -te ku:am - ko puur
  who - who tree - climb - case chest - pl. to skin
  utar - led -a
  completely - past -cop
  When they heard the noise of the fighting, they climbed up the tree ; they
  got bruised on the front part of their body.
35.  en-kage obta kao - re luu banaa - ke
  that fight time - case Ludu bear - case
  koosa - gii - k-i -a
  push - down - tense - cop
  Ludu pushed down the bear.
36.  japa - re taiken-a luu - a suŋgu:ti
  near - case tense- Ludu - case - friend
  His friend Mohana was there.
37.  a?e isu sahosi htaiken -a
  he very brave man tense -cop
  He was a very brave man.
38. je - leka luu banaa - ke koosa gii -
  that - like Ludu bear - case push down
  k-i-a-; suŋgu:ti mohana banaa - ke
  tense-PT. feiend Mohana bear - case
  moyon sar thuiŋ - k - i
  one arrow hit -tense - cop
  When Ludu pushed down the bear, his friend Mohana hit it with an arrow
39.  sara bana - lutur - hapa - sa - re ho - jan -a
  arrow bear -ear - near -side -case hit - tense -cop
  The arrow hit near the ear of the bear.
40.  bana garjau garjau-kate buru - sa
  bear bray bray - while forest - side
  nir - jan -a
  run -tense -cop
  The bear ran towards the forest braying.
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