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12.  kajido hoyu?  -tan -a (heke), buru - ren bana - ko
word   tense cop mountain - case bear. - pl
nida    hi?i - kate a:i - ko - rea c&imi -ren
night come  - while field - pl - case boundary - case
buku  - ko jom  - ja?t - ko taiken -a
white ant     - pl. eat - tense - pl. past -cop
The bears of the mountain used to come to the fields to eat white ants.
13.  poo
- re a:i

- imi

- ko
rapu?t-do-taiken -a
result   -case field - boundary -pl.  break - past  -cop
ar    soŋge  - te baba -ko -jo noso - taiken -a
and    as well case  paddy - pl .- also damage - past -cop
As a result, they broke the ridges of the fields and damaged the paddy crops.
14.  hatu    h neka lel
- kate
isu - ko raga?t
village   man this see - while very -PT. angry
jan-a     ar kaji - ko bai -ked-a;  gapa nida
tense - and word -PT make -past tomorrow night
bana - ko  sendera - ko  -a
bear - pl.  hut  -PT -cop
The villagers got angry and they planned to hunt the bears.
15.  hatu    
- ren
- ko a?,
sar, hake, kapi
village    - case young . -pl bow-arrow axe knife
barlom,    emen sapa?p -ko sa?p - kate hatu  -ren
trident   etc. instrument - pl.  catch - while  village -case
posim - sa  mu - re huina - ko
west   -side end -case gather -PT
They planned that all the young men of the village should gather at the end of the village on the western direction with the weapons like bow and arrow, axe,  knife, trident etc.

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