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Sendara bana
1. asau au?
rain month
Rainy season.
2.  ayu?p  -jan   -re -ge huyuhuyu hyoaŋ - tan -a
evening  - tense - case  emp. slow slow wind blow-past-cop
That was one evening; the wind was blowing slowly.
3. asau   au?  - rea gama  - te a:i - ko
rain  month - case rain - case field -Pl.
perega  - kan - a
full  - past -cop
The fields were filled with rain water.
4.  hy  - te baba  - daru - ko  phiri oaŋ baa-
wind  -case paddy  - tree -pl. shake blow continue
tan -a
tense -cop
The wind is blowing continuously; the paddy plants are swaying due to the wind.
5.  joto -dai  -ge  lil -boron lelo - tan -a
every  - place -emph. green -colour see-past-cop
Everywhere green colour is seen
6.  a  - ko - ren haam h -ko rasi  - kate
house  - pl. - case  old man -pl. enjoy-while
baba  - ko lel  a ue ue-te reoko
paddy  -pl  seestick bending also-pl.
seno  - tan -a
see - past -cop
The old people went to the field with the help of sticks.
7.  hatu - japa maraŋ  - buru
village - near big  -mountain
There was a big mountain near the village.
8. true -case-emph. like that - mountain  - emph. village
rea  jhai
case boundary
The mountain stood like a boundary wall to the village.
9.  hatu    -tea buru-ga- ko jo lel -re - isu rasika -
village - case mountain -case pl  also look - very happy
emph.  feel.
They felt very happy when they saw the mountain from the village.
10.  en - buru   - latar - re jharna-ta purab- sa
that mountain   below-case stream -east-side
me?t     - kate a?e - a sur  -te ku·u ku·u
face  -while he  - case tongue -case musical sound
duraŋ duraŋ -te liŋgi  seno - tan -a
sing - case  flow -go  - past - cop
A stream was flowing from the bottom of the mountain towards east with musical sound.
11. bir     buru- ren kulla ha·aga bana  hati ee
forest mountain -case   lion tiger  bear elephant bird
ipurdo en   - jarna  - rea da?a nu -kate ako -a
insect that stream -case water drink - while they -case
tetaŋ    -ko mehaw - ja?t - tai ken -a
thirst  -PT quench past -cop
Wild animals like lions, tigers, elephants and birds and insects used to come to the steam to quench their thirst.
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