16. |
ra:ja |
- ko - te |
landa-len-rereo |
-a?e |
king |
man - pl-case |
laugh-pass-though |
he |
ari |
idi |
- l |
- a |
rule |
continue |
-tense |
-cop |
‘Though the king was laughed at by the
people, he continued to rule. |
17. |
pulis-te |
thol |
- len |
rereo |
a?e |
ka |
queen |
police case |
arrest |
-pass |
-though |
she |
neg |
akmakaw |
- len - a - ?e |
upset |
pass-cop-PT |
‘Though queen was arrested by the
police, she was not upset’ |
5. The morpheme gireo and rereo may be moved to the front
of the sentence along with the verb in the active and passive constructions
alak - gireo
soma |
ia |
jetai |
ka-ko |
manatiŋa |
‘Though Soma is intelligent
no one will admit’ |
19. |
landalen - rereo |
ra:ja |
h  -ko-te
a?e ari idi-l-a |
‘Though the king was
laughed at by the people, he continued to rule’ |
ra: i
pulis-te |
a?e ka |
akmakaw |
lena?e |
‘Though the queen was
arrested by the police, she was not upset.’ |
Truncated passive :
Truncated passsive sentences are those which do not have
agentive phrase.
21. |
gomi |
thol |
len - a - ?e |
Gomy |
arrest |
-pass-cop-PT |
22. |
Soma |
sabais |
- len - a - ?e |
Soma |
praise |
-pass-cop-PT |
23. |
situ |
e gage
dal - len - a - ?e |
Sithu |
seriously |
beat-pass-cop-PT |
‘Sithu was beaten seriously’ |
Pronominalization :
1. In the processs of pronominalization a full NP is
converted into a pronoun if it is identical to another appropriately
situated NP. (Riemsdijk and Williams: 1986: 194).
1. |
Soma |
men-l-a |
a?e |
hasu i |
tai-len-a-?e |
Soma |
say-tense |
he |
sick |
was |
2. |
Suni |
men-l-a |
a?e |
tai-len-a-?e |
Suny |
say-tense |
she |
intelligent |
was |
‘Suni said she was intelligent’ |
In the above sentences, it could be seen that the pronouns
stand for the subject of the matrix sentence.
2. The pronoun may stand for nounphrases also as shown in
the following sentence.
- a |
bumij |
iksanari a
maraŋ |
I-case |
Bhumij |
dictionary |
very |
big |