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a:i  ‘field’
a:k  ‘gate’
a:^ndi ‘marriage’
sa:n ‘fuel’
bha:p ‘steam’
ka:¸a ‘nail (iron)’
a:nuni ‘sieve’

[ã] low back unrounded short nasalized vowel, is produced same as the vowel [a] except nasalization. The velum lowered so that the air will pass through nasal passage.
ãh^w ‘kneel’
pãk  ‘mud’
nãwã  ‘new’
phãse ‘to catch with rope’
sãhãs ‘brave’
jhãwrãw  ‘to spread out’
[^], lower mid back unrounded shoet vowel, is produced this: the back of the tongue is raised and the tongue height lowermind. The lips are spread. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords vibrate.


r^a ‘floor'
k^mi ‘to work’
t^r^n ‘shoulder’
j^¸i ‘fence’
d^r^ ‘to protest’
^¸u ‘bubble’
g^ma ‘towel’
k^ñi ‘basket’
m^n^ ‘to admit’

[o] highermind back rounded short vowel, is produced as the back of the tongue is raised and the tongue height is higher-mid. The lips are rounded. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords vibrate.

ol ‘to write’
om ‘to give’
os^r ‘wide’
onhEa ‘to neglect’
ondbIs^s ‘superstition’
jlo ‘to burn’
^o ‘finger’
kmbo  ‘goitre’

[o:] highermid back rounded long vowel, is produced same as the previous vowel [o] except the length. The tongue and the lips are tense.


o: ‘vote’
o:Et ‘epilepsy’
tho:i ‘bag’
go:a ‘cowshed’
mo:a ‘worship’
go:¸hi ‘joint’
ro:g^^n ‘weakness’
jho:rka ‘window’

[õ] highermid back rounded short nasalized vowel, is produced same as the vowel [o] except nasalization. The velum is lowered, so that the air will pass through nasala passage.


phõ ‘to hiss (as snake)’
hõka ‘to stop’

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