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is highermid. The soft palate is raised to block the entry of air into the nasal passage. The lips are spread and vocal cords vibrate.

esk^r ‘alone’
e^r^N ‘quarrel’
ekla:w ‘to tremble’
ekd^m ‘quite’
esk^rge ‘along’
ke ‘frog’
Ee ‘sunshine’
t^ymte ‘after’
d^rve ‘toad’

[e:] highermid front unrounded long vowel, is produced same as the previous vowel [e], except the length.

e:y ‘to call some one’
e:¸E? ‘to erase’
le:¸^? ‘earth worm’
pe:a ‘guest’

[] highermid front unrounded short nasalized vowels, produced same as the vowel [e] except the nasalization. The velum is lowered so that the air will pass through nasal passage.

bnt  ‘cane’
hsa  ‘pipal tree’
hsra:w  ‘to pant’
s^i ‘squeak’

[E] mean-mid front unrounded short vowel, is produced same as the vowel [e] except the tongue height, which is lower the highermid. The lips and tongue are lax.

lEl ‘to see’
nEsa ‘this side’
sEa ‘dog’
tEa ‘to reach’
pEre ‘full’
gEsa ‘top tan (leather)’
mEi ‘ram’
dEhEri ‘priest’
jE EsIñgi ‘summer’

[a] low central unrounded short vowel, i sproduced as this: the tongue is held down in the floor of the month. The middle partof the tongue is raised. The lips are neutral. The tongue tip is slightly retracted from the lower teeth. The soft palate is raised to block the entry of air into the nasal passage. The vocal cords vibrate.
 a o ‘they’
arji ‘to complain’
ar^n ‘yoke’
abrm ‘to brood (as hen)’
akri ‘to germinate’
ga ‘everywhere’
h^ga ‘brother’
h^rta ‘skin’
jho:rka ‘window’

[a:] low back unrounded long vowel, is produced same as the vowel [a] except the length. The tongue and lips are tense.
a:i  ‘field’
a:k  ‘gate’




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