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kyõ ‘fisherman’
jõisa ‘to aim at’
kIr ‘to snore’

[] mean mid back rounded short vowel, is produced same as the vowel [o] except the tongue height which is meanmid. The lips are rounded. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords vibrate.

r ‘colour’
ma ‘corpse’
mErm ‘goat’
kka ‘mad’
dn ‘sandalwood’
jnm ‘birth’
brlm ‘spear’
prtm ‘first’

[] lowermid back rounded short vowel, is produced as this: the back of the tongue is raised and the tongue height is lower mid. The lips are rounded. The soft palate is raised and vocal cords vibrate.

a ‘house’
rjn ‘milk’
Is ‘office’
mr ‘immortal’
sph ‘bad oman’
si ‘eighty’
dya ‘pity, kind’
b^n ‘God’
grb  ‘pride’
dhrm ‘religion’

[u], high back rounded short vowel, is produced as this: the back of the tongue is raised and it nearly closes the passage. The tip of the tongue is retracted from the lower teeth. The lips are rounded. The soft palate is raised and the vocal cords vibrate.

uu ‘thought’
um ‘to create’
u?p ‘point’
umbl ‘shade’
urn ‘to begin’
m^mu ‘maternal aunt’
kmu ‘dream’
nlku ‘ ’nose ring’
sg^u ‘beautiful’

[u:], high back rounded long vowel, is produced same as the previous vowel [u] except the length. The tongue and lips are tense.

gu:m ‘winnowing pan’
pu:s ‘name of a month (Dec-Jan)’
Psu:ri ‘blister’
lu:i ‘laddle’
ku:am ‘chest’
ju:la ‘oven’
sgu:ti ‘friend’
ghu:ikha:i ‘sugar cane’

[ǔ], high back rounded short nasalized vowel, is produced same as the vowel [u] except the nasalization. The velum is lowered and the air passes through nasal passage.

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