‘iko ho’1 :
This is used to indicate that the location is below the referent and
is proximate. |
m lu
san iko
ho dune.
they tree under
loc. sit-p.t.
‘they sat under
a tree’
mi tebil (ka) iko ho at b ne
he basket acc.
table gen. below loc. ken-p.t.
‘he kept the
basket below the table’
ho’: This is used to indicate that the
locus is under the referent. |
alyi ude b p
ho gido
pig house under
loc. live-exist
‘the pig is
living under the house’
s go
b p
ho pat dore kapate
I bridge under
loc. live-exist
‘I saw a tiger
under the bridge’
ho’ : This is used to indicate that the locus is in front of
the referent. |
ude hata ho
hime h
ilyo at
house p.p. loc.
boy det. sword keep-p.t.
‘the boy kept
the sword in front of the house’
myu ata
h ka
myu hata ho dudu
people pl.w.
that man front loc. sit-exist
‘people are
sitting in front of that man’
1. san
(ka) iko means ‘lower part of the tree’
and san
(ka) mitu means ‘top of the tree’ |
‘k li
ho’ : This is used to indicate that the locus is behind the
referent. |
yalyo m
ka aba
k li
ho dune
Yalyo she gen.
elder behind loc. sit-p.t. brother
‘Yalyo sat behind
her brother’
woman tree behind
loc. hide-p.t.
‘the woman hide
behind the tree’
ho’ : This is used to indicate that the locus is inside the referent. |
ude ura ho du
we house inside
loc. exist
‘we are inside
the house’
r bu
ura ho tabu do
tree hole inside
loc. snake exist
‘there is a
snake inside the hole of the tree’
stone hole inside
loc. fish exist
‘there are fish
inside the stones’
ho’ : This is used to indicate that the locus is outside the referent. |
myu ata ude
ago ho danyada
people pl.w.
house outside loc. stand-exist
‘many people
are standing outside the house’
ago ho ano lex
outside loc.
very cold exist
‘it is very
cold outside’
ho’ : This is used toindicate that the locus is near the referent. |