he mug loc.
bear pour-p.t.
‘he poured beer
in a mug’
they house loc.
‘they talked
in the house’
kago duti
so dudu
Kago plank loc.
‘Kago sat on
the plank’
putu ho cane
he hill loc.
‘he climbed
the hill’
the allative is expressed through this case sign, it can be dropped
optionally. |
anu more (ho) ine
I-gen. younger
brother forest loc. go-p.t.
‘my younger
brother went to the forest’
one moves from one place to another permanently then the case sign
is not dropped. |
jiro ho indu
I ziro loc
‘I moved to
Here, the
subject has shifted to Ziro permanently. Hence, the locative
case sign is not dropped. |
The spatial
orientation is specified further by adding forms like the following
alongwith the locative case sign. These post positions are added to
those noun phrases to which the genitive case sign has already been
added. But the deletion of the genitive case sign is optional in all
such instances. It is also used without noun phrases. |
ho’ : This is added to indicate that the location is above/over
the referent. |
tebil (ka) hao
ho o
pota mi at to
table gen. p.p.
loc. I book acc. keep-p.t.
‘I kept the
book above the table’
I-gen pen det.
above exist-p.t.
‘my pen was
above (in the upstairs)
myu ta e
hao du.
people some
det. above exist
‘some pople
are living in higher plain of the plateau’
putu (ka) hao ho pita mi kapado
we hill gen.
above loc. bird acc. see-exist
‘we are seeing
birds on the hill’
kabu san ka
ubu hao ho cane.
rat tree gen.
hole p.p. loc. climb-p.t.
‘the rat climbed
over the whole of a tree’
ho’ : This is used to indicate the location is below the referent
and is remote. |
I book acc.
below loc. put-p.t.
‘I put the book
down (on the floor)’
myu ta e
hi ako ho du.
people some
det. below loc. exist
‘some people
are living in the low lying part of the plateau’