the preceding statement is in negative, in the following
tag question part the negative will not appear and the string
used in such instance is |
h la
tag. |
adima h la
peya? |
you come-neg. quo. tag. |
‘you are not coming, are
you’ |
m ima
h la
peya? |
he go-neg. quo. tag |
‘he didn’t go, did he’ |
have already seen the yes/no questions. When they are answered
either in negative or affirmative, an indicative (statement)
follows it as in the following : |
oho do ha? |
he tall exist quo. |
‘is he tall/’ |

m oho
do. |
yes he tall exists |
‘yes, he is tall’ |
ma, m
oho ma. |
no he tall neg. |
‘is he not tall’ |
oho ma ha? |
he tall neg. quo |
‘is he not tall’ |

n oho
ma. |
yes, he tall neg. |
‘yes, he is not tall’ |
ma, m
oho do. |
neg. he tall exist |
‘no, he is tall’ |
so aki du ha? |
here dog exist que. |
‘is the dog here’ |
nyima, so aki nyima |
neg. here dog neg. |
‘no, there is no dog here’ |
h la
ha |
quo. que. |
‘is it like that’ |

h la |
yes quo. |
‘yes, it is’ |
Negative sentences are formed using either the negative
verb ‘ma’ or ‘nyima’. The selection
of them is decided by the verb occurring with it. NP-NP
sentences are negated by adding ‘ma’ at the
end of the sentence whereas existential sentences are negated
using ‘nyima’. |
i ka
ny m
si ka
ma. |
that lady
det. my friend neg. |
‘that lady is not my friend’ |
insi alyi ma. |
this pig neg. |
‘this is not a pig’ |
aya ma. |
he good neg. |
‘he is not good’ |
aya mane. |
he good no-p.t. |
‘he was not good’ |
alyi at
ma. |
pig small neg. |
‘pig is not small’ |
more ho k le
nyima. |
forest loc. river neg. |
‘there are no rivers in
the forest’ |
m k
aki ny ma. |
he pos. dog neg. |
‘he has no dog’ |