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7.1 Order
Adverbs belonging to classes 1 and 3 and non-setentail manner adverbs of class 4 follow the verb root, the tense, aspect and mood markers being added to the adverb.
p1 pt s2-li1 ‘speak1 aloud2
p1 pv2-li1 ‘speak1 well2
r1 rl2-li1 ‘drive1 slowly2
k1 kl2 pv3 s4-s2 ‘They (pl.)1 sang2 very4 well3
n1 phr2 rkr3-y2 ‘Niu1 reads2 fast3
khopur1 ddz2 ‘One1 should4 dress2 neatly3
kms3 mru4  
pu1 tsh2 pv3-li2 ‘He1 did2 well3
But less commonly they precede the verb.
rl1 psci2 ‘speak2 slowly1
mh1 vrli2 ‘come2 quickly1
Adverbs qualifying a whole clause generally follow the subject in the sentence.
thmi1 d2 hn3 vr4 ‘(The) man1 came4 here3
k1 cimli2 th3 kry4 ‘We (incl. pl.)1 often2
  drink4 rice beer3
pu1 tkhr mts2 hn3 ‘She1 comes4 here3 monthly2
1 m td2 pu3 dkhrw4 ‘I1 killed4 him3 unknowingly2
k1 ci2 vd3 rz4 ty5 ‘We (incl. pl.)1 will5 go and3
  play4 now2
But the temporal adverb s ‘always’ invariably follows the verb root and if there is another manner adverb, follows that too
1 b kr k2 z3 s4-y3 ‘I1 always4 sleep3 at 10 ‘o’ clock2
pu1 mhts2 rkr3 s4-y2 ‘She1 always4 eats2 fast3
The adverb l ‘again’ follows the roots of transitives verbs.
k1 kjth2 ml3 l4 ty5 ‘We (incl. pl.)1 will5 scale2
  (the) hill2 again4
1 h2 phr3 l4 ty5 ‘I1 will5 read3 this2 again4
k1 mhts2 l3-li2 ‘We ( ate2 again3
It usually preceeds intransitive verbs but less commonly may follow them.
1 l2 vr3 ty4 ‘I1 will4 come3 again2
pu1 l2 vt3 ‘He1 has gone3 again2
tr1 l2 ty3 ‘It’ll3 rain1 again2
7.2 Intensifcation
The adverbs may be followed by the particles of emphasis or intensification -ph, t and s*. The intensifier s ‘very’ inveriably follows the adverbs of the first two classes and may follow the other manner adverbs.
A few adverbs are intensified by partial reduplication.
rl-rll ‘very slowly’
rkr-rkrkr ‘very fast’
pv-pvv ‘very well’
pu-pusu ‘very badly’
pt-ptt ‘very loud’
p-ps ‘very low (noise)’
8. Particles
Particles are morphological units which either have a functional meaning or modify the noun or the verb. By our definition of the word as a morpheme that is capable of occuring in an absolute position, some are words and some are not. Particles which do not fulfil the criterion of a word resemble post-positions in this respect.
          Particles may be broadly classified into-
             (a) Interrogative particles
             (b) Negative particles
             (c) Particle of contrast
             (d) Affirmative particles
             (e) Particles of particularization
             (f) Particles of intensification or emphasis
             (g) Miscellaneous.




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