7.1 Order |
belonging to classes 1 and 3 and non-setentail manner adverbs of
class 4 follow the verb root, the tense, aspect and mood markers
being added to the adverb. |
p 1
p t
s 2-li 1
‘speak1 aloud2’ |
p 1
p v 2-li 1
‘speak1 well2’ |
r 1
r l 2-li 1
‘drive1 slowly2’ |
k 1
k l 2
p v 3
s 4-s 2
‘They (pl.)1 sang2
very4 well3’ |
n 1
phr 2
r kr 3-y 2
‘Niu1 reads2
fast3’ |
k ho pu r 1
d dz 2 |
‘One1 should4
dress2 neatly3’ |
k m s 3
m r u 4 |
pu 1
tsh 2
p v 3-li 2
‘He1 did2
well3’ |
But less
commonly they precede the verb. |
r l 1
p s ci 2
‘speak2 slowly1’ |
mh 1
v rli 2
‘come2 quickly1’ |
qualifying a whole clause generally follow the subject in the
sentence. |
th mi 1
d 2
h n 3
v r 4
‘(The) man1 came4
here3’ |
yesterday2’ |
k 1
ci m li 2  th 3
kr y 4
‘We (incl. pl.)1 often2 |
drink4 rice beer3’ |
pu 1
t khr
m ts 2
h n 3
‘She1 comes4
here3 monthly2’ |
v r y4 |
1  m
t d 2
pu 3
d khr w 4
‘I1 killed4
him3 unknowingly2’ |
k 1
ci 2
v d 3
r z 4
ty 5
‘We (incl. pl.)1 will5
go and3 |
play4 now2’ |
But the
temporal adverb s
‘always’ invariably follows the verb root and if there is
another manner adverb, follows that too |
k r
k 2
z 3
s 4-y 3
‘I1 always4
sleep3 at 10 ‘o’ clock2’ |
pu 1
mh ts 2
r kr 3
s 4-y 2
‘She1 always4
eats2 fast3’ |
The adverb l
‘again’ follows the roots of transitives verbs. |
k 1
k j th 2
m l 3
l 4
ty 5
‘We (incl. pl.)1 will5
scale2 |
(the) hill2 again4’ |
h 2
phr 3
l 4
ty 5
‘I1 will5
read3 this2
again4’ |
k 1
mh ts 2
l 3-li 2
‘We (incl.pl.)1 ate2
again3’ |
It usually
preceeds intransitive verbs but less commonly may follow them. |
l 2
v r3
ty 4
‘I1 will4
come3 again2’ |
pu 1
l 2
v t 3
‘He1 has gone3
again2’ |
t r 1
l 2
ty 3
‘It’ll3 rain1
again2’ |
Intensifcation |
The adverbs
may be followed by the particles of emphasis or intensification
-ph , t
and s *. The
intensifier s ‘very’
inveriably follows the adverbs of the first two classes and may
follow the other manner adverbs. |
A few
adverbs are intensified by partial reduplication. |
r l -r l l
‘very slowly’ |
r kr -r kr kr
‘very fast’ |
p v -p v v
‘very well’ |
p u -p u su
‘very badly’ |
p t -p t t
‘very loud’ |
p  -p  s
‘very low (noise)’ |
8. Particles |
are morphological units which either have a functional meaning
or modify the noun or the verb. By our definition of the word as
a morpheme that is capable of occuring in an absolute position,
some are words and some are not. Particles which do not fulfil
the criterion of a word resemble post-positions in this respect. |
may be broadly classified into- |
Interrogative particles |
(b) Negative
particles |
(c) Particle
of contrast |
Affirmative particles |
Particles of particularization |
Particles of intensification or emphasis |
Miscellaneous. |