Number ‘one hundred’ can be expressed either in twenties (i.e., (h)ay ko: i: = 5 x 20) or by the word saw or nu:r. Higher numbers which are difficult to count in twenties are counted in humdreds like, mu:n saw or mu:n nu:r ‘three hundred’, a:ru saw or a:ru nu:r ‘six hundred’, etc. Loan word haja:r is used for number ‘one thousand’.
ond haja:r |
‘one thousand’ |
ren haja:r |
‘tow thousand’ |
mu:n haja:r |
‘three thousand’, etc. |
6.2. Ordinal Numbers |
Only the first three numerals have independentforms for the ordinals.
munne: |
‘first’ |
irsa: |
‘second’ |
mucca: |
‘third’ |
The ordinal meaning for the rest of numerals are indicated by the adjectival suffix -ta: added to them.
na:lu -ta |
‘fourth’ |
(h)ay -ta: |
‘fifth’ |
(h)a:ru -ta: |
‘sixth’, etc. |
6.3. Distributives |
The first three numerals ond ‘one’, ren ‘two’ and mu:n ‘three’ have the allomorphs oko-, re:- and mu:- respectively when they are used distributively. The plural suffix -k is added to them after the augment -h.
oko:-h-k oko-h-k |
‘one one each’ |
re:-h-k re:h-k |
‘two two each’ |
mu:-h-k mu:-h-k |
‘three three each’ |
In case of the other numerals the basic forms themselves are reduplicated to give the distributive sense.
na:lu na:lu |
‘four four each’ |
(h)ay (h)ay |
‘five five each’ |
(h)a:ru (h)a:ru |
‘six six each’, etc. |