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4.7.2. Exclusive Pronoun
       The first person plural morpheme ma: ‘we’ includes the speaker, but not the person addressed. Hence, it is exclusive pronoun. There is no inclusive pronoun in our data.
ma: aga: hatto:m ‘we went there’
ma: inje:k handa:ka: ‘we go now’
ma: ba:ta: ki:ko:m ‘whate shall we do?’
4.7.3. Third Person Pronoun
       There is no separate form to denote the demostrative pronouns and pronouns of third person. The forms of the demostrative pronoun are employed to denote the third personal pronouns also. These pronouns differ from the pronouns of the first and second persons in two respects. Firstly, these pronouns make a distinction of gender which the pronouns of the first and second persons do not. There are two genders masculine and non-masculine. Masculine denotes males while non-masculine denotes human females and other things whether animate or inanimate, rational or irrational. Secondly, these pronouns make a distinction between proximate and remote demosntratives.
Remote Demonstrative Oblique genitive Proximate Demonstrative Oblique genitive
Masculine: Singular wo:r/o:r
‘that person’
wo:n/o:n we:r/e:r
‘this person’
Plural wo:rlo:r/o:rlo:r
‘those persons
wo:n/o:r we:rlo:r/e:rlo:r
‘these persons’
Non-masculine:Singular ad
‘that thing’
that woman’
ta:n id
‘this thing’
‘this woman’
Plural aw
‘those things’
‘those women’
awe:n iw
‘these things’
‘these women’
       Proximate demontrative indicates that the person or thin reffered to is nearer to the speaker while remote demontrative indicates that the person or thing referred to is far from the speaker.
       we:r and wo:r with their respective alternate forms e:r and o:r are the bases for the proximate and remote demonstratives of the masculine gender. -lo:r is the masculine plural suffix. In the non-masculine a- and i- are the bases for remote and proximate demonstratives respectively; -d is the non-masculine singular suffix and -w is the plural suffix. The third personal proximate and remote demonstrative pronouns have different oblique-genitive bases to which the genitive case suffix is added.
       The demonstrative bases function as adjectives in the following examples:
id-a:l a: ‘this type of woman’
ad-a:l a: ‘that type of woman’
id-a:l ma:ne: ‘this type of man’
ad-a:l ma:ne: ‘that type of man’
       The suffix -e: added to the demonstrative base indicates the importance of the object.
we:r wo:re: a:ndur ‘this is the same person’
id ade: a:nd ‘this is the same as that’
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