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       Following the above statements the personal pronous may be segmented as given below:
First Second
Singular: Base n..nna: n..mme:
             Suffix -a- -i-
Plural :   Base m..ra: m..ra:
             Suffix -- --
       However, the analysis of personal pronouns as shown above does not seem to be sound. For, in Abujhmaria the second person plural is indicated by the suffix - which is connected to second personal pronominal ending - occurring in finite verbs like mi: tin-ma:- ‘you (pl.) don’t eat’, mi: nilla:- ‘you (pl.) stand’, etc. In Adilabad Gondi also the same plural suffix is noted as in the examples wa:-t-i: ‘you (pl.) come’, wa:-k-i: ‘you (pl.) will come’ (Ibid., pp. 58-59). On this evidence, it is appropriate to segment the bases for personal pronouns as nan-/na- for first singular, nim-/ni- for second singular and ma:- and mi- as the bases for first and second person plural respectively.
       The following table shows the personal pronouns in all the cases:
Case I Singular I Plural IISingular IIPlural
Nominative nanna: ma: nimma: mi:
Accusative na:-kun ma:-kun ni:-kun mi:-kun
Dative na:-kun ma:-kun ni:-kun mi:-kun
Genitive non-masculine na:-wa: ma:-wa: ni:-wa: mi:-wa:
Genitive masculine na:-wo:r ma:-wo:r ni:-wo:r mi:-wo:r
Locative na:-aga: ma:-aga: ni:-aga: mi:-aga:
Ablative na:-aga--a:h ma:-aga-a:h ni:-aga--a:h mi:-aga--a:h
       The above table show the declenstion of personal pronouns with formal distinction of gender in genitive. Accordingly, if a person, male or female, has a reference to his or her male child then he or she has to use na:wo:r. If the child is female, both of them will use na:wa:. Hence, the gender distinction in the first and second personal pronouns in the genitive is restricted to the object indicated, male or female. See the following examples:
id na:wa: miya: and ‘this is my daughter’ (man or woman reffering to his or her daugher)
wo:r na:wo:r mari: a:ndur ‘this is my son’ (man or woman referring to his or her son)
       With regard to the oblique forms of the first and second personal pronouns there are formal variation in the singular and plural numbers as examplified below:
(a) id na:wa: pe:ki: a:nad or id na: pe:ki: a:nd ‘this is my daughter’
(b) id ma:wa: pe:ki: a:nd or ma: pe:ki: a:nd ‘this is our daughter’
(c) id ni:wa: pe:ki: a:nd or ni: pe:ki: a:nd ‘this is your (sg.) daughter’
(d) id mi:wa: pe:ki: a:nd or id mi: pe:ki: a:nd ‘this is your (pl.) daughter’
       Thus, na:wa: na:, ma:wa: ma:, ni:wa: ni: and mi:ma: mi: are found to be in free variation.
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