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4.7.4. Interrogative Pronouns
       The interrogative base is ba-. The masculine and non-masculine interrogative pronouns are dervided from that base by the addition of respective suffixes.
ba-o:r bo:r ‘who’ (masc. sg.)
ba-o:rlo:rbo:rlo:r ‘who’ (masc. pl.)
ba-d bad ‘which’ (non-masc. sg.)
ba-w baw ‘which (
       The interrogative pronouns inflected for gender and number are given in the following examples:
wo:r bo:n ke:yintur? ‘whom is he calling?’
bo:r iga: wa:tur? ‘who came here?’
mi: bo:no:r mark a:ndu:r? ‘whose sons are you?’
id bo:na: lo:n a:nd? ‘whose (sg.) house is this?’
ad bade:n tit? ‘what did she eat?’
iw bo:rlo:ra: lo:hk a:ndu:? ‘whose (pl.) houses are these?’
       Thus, bo:r, bo:na:, bo:rlo:ra:, bo:n, bo:no:r and bade:n are some of the inflected forms of interrogative pronouns in Abujhmaria.
4.7.5. Indefinite Pronouns
       Indefinite pronouns are formed by the addition of the morpheme -e: to the interrogative pronouns.
bo:re: wa:tur ‘someone came’
bo:rlo:re: ki:tur ‘some (pl.) did (it)’
bad-e: wa:ynta: ‘someone (non-masc.) is coming’
baw-e: wa:ynta: ‘some (non-masc. pl.) are coming’
       There is also yet another morpheme -a:y which is suffixed to another interrrogative particle ba:ta: meaning ‘what’.
nanna: ba:ta:y punno:n ‘I do not know anything’
nanna: ba:ta:y ke:wo:n ‘I do not do anything’
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