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       In the data a few non-masculine nouns occur with the masculine gender suffix -l or -a:l. Probably these nouns may be denoting males.
bo:ka:-l ‘goat’
gada:-l ‘ass’
pu:sa:-l ‘cat’
gid-a:l ‘eagle’
mu:nj-a:l ‘monkey’
mirg-a:l ‘antelope’
ko:ly-a:l ‘fox’
aj-a:l ‘bear’
gugw-a:l ‘owl’
       /-o:/ occurs with the following nouns ending in a consonant.
amt-o: ‘brother-in-law’
ba:-o: ‘sister’s husband’
tay-o: ‘sister’s husband’
koyt-o: ‘a Gond, bachelor’
moyt-o: ‘old man’
lay-o: ‘young man’
ta:d-o: ‘grand-father’
ka:k-o: ‘mother’s brother’
/e:/ occurs with the following nouns.
ha:-e: ‘daughter’s husband’
sann-e: ‘son-in-law’
tapp-e: ‘father’
ma:n-e: ‘man’
wa:-e: ‘blacksmith’
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