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4.5.2. Non-masculine Derivative Suffixes
/-a: -a: -i:/
       /-a:/ This suffix is identical with the noun a: meaning ‘woman’
e:l-a: ‘younger sister’
a:nc-a: ‘wife’
ko:iy-a: ‘daughter-in-law’
haran·-a: ‘sister-in-law’
po:y-a: ‘mother-in-law’
he:l-a: ‘younger sister’
miy-a: ‘daughter’
moyt-a: ‘old woman’
koyt-a: ‘Gond woman’
ko:k-a: ‘wife’s younger sister’
/-a:/ occurs with the following nouns.
akk-a: ‘elder sister’
pill-a: ‘female child’
ya:y-a: ‘mother’
aw-a: ‘grand-mother’
/-i:/ occurs with the following nouns.
a:j-i: ‘mother’s mother’
a:t-i: ‘father’s sister’
kuc-i: ‘father’s younger brother’s wife’
pe:k-i: ‘girl’
ag-i: ‘elder brother’s wife’
ba:p-i: ‘father’s mother’
na:t-i: ‘daughter’s daughter’
bayr-i: ‘deaf woman’
ka:n-i: ‘blind woman’
ra:n·-i: ‘widow’
ko:nd-i: ‘dumb woman’
a:l-i: ‘cow’
e:-i: ‘she-goat’
bayns-i: ‘she-buffalo’
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