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Nouns Derived From Nouns:
       In the following instances nouns are derived from nouns by the addition -ta:n (for I person), -ti:n (for II person), -ta:(d) (for III person: non-muasculine) and -to:r (for III person: masculine). Number of nouns are dervied in this manner.
bu:m ‘land, earth’
bu:m-ta:n ‘I, of this land’
bu:m-ti:n ‘you, of this land’
bu:m-ta(d) ‘she/it of this land’
bu:m-to:r ‘people of this land’
nagur ‘city, town’
nagur-ta:n ‘I who belong to the city,I from the city’
nagur-ti:n ‘you of the city,you from the city’
nagur-ta:(d) ‘she/it who belongs to the city,she/it from the city’
nagur-to:r ‘people from the city,people who belong to the city’
lo:n ‘house’
lo:-ta:n ‘I who belong to a (particular family)’
lo:-ti:n ‘you who belong to a (particular family)’
lo:-ta:(d) ‘she who belongs to a (particticular family)’
lo:-to:r ‘they who belong to a (particular family)’
       In the example given below, nouns are derived from nouns by suffixing -i:.
pa:p ‘sin’
pa:p-i: ‘sinner’
duk ‘sorrow’
duk-i: ‘person in distress’
le:nj ‘moon’
le:nj-i: ‘moonlight’
le: ‘sound’
le:g-i: ‘echo, voice’
       Noun paha:r is added to nouns referring to ‘weather’, to form nouns indicating seasons.
oy ‘heat’
doypaha:r ‘summer’
pir ‘rain’
pirpaha:r ‘rainy season’
pi:ni: ‘cold’
pi:ni:paha:r ‘winter’
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