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       Following are a few examples where nouns are derived from verbs by the additions -ka:, -e:, -i: and -ci:.
uy ‘to skin’
uy-ka: ‘slough of snake’
muc ‘to cover’
mucc-e: ‘cover, lid’
mulp ‘to set’ (as sun)
mulp--e: ‘evening’
pan ‘to ripe’
pan-i ‘fuit’
mat ‘to cure’
mat-i: ‘medicine’
be:n ‘to twist’
be:n-i: ‘plait of hair’
we: ‘to be bright’
we:-ci: ‘light’ (as opposed to ‘dark’)
Noun Derived From Adjectives:
       In the examples given below nouns are dervied from adjectives by suffixing -a:l.
pa:nri: ‘white’
pa:nri:-y-a:l ‘white coloured’
ka:ri: ‘black’
ka:ri:-y-a:l ‘black coloured’
kamka: ‘yellow’
kamk-a:l ‘yellow coloured’
Nouns Derived From Adverbs:
       Nouns are also derived from adverbs by the addition of -o:r. See the following examples.
aga: ‘from there’
ag-o:r ‘people from that place’
iga: ‘from here’
ig-o:r ‘people from this place’
baga: ‘from where’
bag-o:r ‘people of which place’
       -to:r occurs in the following examples.
munne: ‘in front of’
munne:-to:r ‘people in front’
lo:pa: ‘inside of’
lo:pa:-to:r ‘people who are inside’
gure: ‘nearby’
gure:-to:r ‘nearby people’
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