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Negative Conditional:
       In Abujhmaria the negative conditional is formed by the addition of -ek to the negative suffix -v- which is added to the verb base. The same construction is noticed in Adilabad Gondi too. At present for comparison the corresponding suffixes are not available for other CDr. languages.
Maria Gondi (Adlabad)
a-w-e:k a-v-e:ke ‘if one does not cook’
wa:y-w-e:k vay-v-e:ke ‘if one does not come’
Negative Verb Base:
       The Abujhmaria negative verb base hile/ile is related to the PDr. *cil ‘to be not (Ta. Ma. Ko. To. Ko. Ko. il; Tu. ijji-; Te. le:; Go. sill, hill; Pe. nil; Man. la:; Kui si·.-; Kuvi hill; Pa. cil (See, DED.2106). In Abujhmaria and many other CDr. languages they are inflected with the addition of the negative suffix and the personal endings.
       In Abujhmaria yet there is another negative verb a:yo: (Verb base a:y- ‘to become’ + the negative suffix -o:) expresses the meaning not-so-and-so which also may be related to the PDr. negative verb *al- (DED.198) which mean ‘not-so-and-so’.
id a:yo: ad ‘not this, that one’
wo:r a:yor we:r ‘not he, that person’
Pronominal Suffixes:
       Abujhmaria pronominal suffixes like in other Dravidian languages show a similarity with those of corresponding personal pronouns.
Pronouns Pronominal suffixes Pdr. forms
I Sg. nana -an, -n *-Vn
I Pl. ma: -o:m, -m *-Vm
II Sg. nima -i:n, -i *-a:y/*-i
II Pl. mi: -i:r, -i: *i:r
III Masc.:
Sg. wo:r -r, -u:r, -o:r *-a:n
Pl.wo:rlo:r -r, -u:r, -o:r *-a:r
III Non-masc.:
Sg. ad -a, -Ø *-(V)t
Pl. aw -o:, -
       The above pronominal suffixes may be compared with the pronominals of other languages of Dravidain family. It must also be noted that in Gondi (-a:n) and Pengo (-i´) the suffix corresponds not to any other neuter plural suffix in any of the sister languages. (Table-I).
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