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      w-< *v-
       Maria. wil bow; Ta. Ma. vil id; Ko. vily id; Ka. bil, billu id; Ko. billi id; Tu. billu id; Te.vilu, villu id; Kol. vil; Pa. vil; Go. vil; Kona. vil; Kui. vidu, vilu id; Kuvi. vellu id; Br. bil bow.
       Maria. havo:r salt; Ta. uvar saltish, salt; Ma. uvar salt taste; Ka. ogar astringent taste; Tu. ogaru salty; Te. ogaru, vagaru astringent taste; Go. sawwor, sawwar, havar, ovar salt; Kui. sa:ru, ha:ru:, ha:ru salt (DED. 2201b).
       Maria. kev ear; Ta. Ma. Te. cevi ear; Ko. keyu id; Ka. kivi; Tu. kebi; Kol. Nk. kev; Ga. kev (DED. 1645a).
       w/b alternation occurs within the language in some items notably in be:a: for we:a: hunting; banj for wanj finger, etc.
       In some itmes the initial w- is dropped optionally. See, o:r for wo:r he; o:la:na for wo:la:na: to hatch; olca:na for wolca:na: to sew, etc.
      -ll- < *-
       The reconstructed form * is retained in Ta. Ma. Ka. Ko. Tu.
       Maria. pilla child; Ta. piai child; Ma. pia id; Ka. pie child, young ones of animal; Ko. pae female of various animals; Tu. pie child, baby.
       In To. it is -- and . peĩ xo.f to be married to a man.
       As in Maria, in other languages like, Te. Kol. Nk. Pa. Ga. Kur. Br. i t corresponds to -ll-. In Kona. Pe. Man. and Malt. it corresponds to -l-. See the following:
       Te. pilla child, girl, young of animal; Kol. pilla baby, daughter, woman; Nk. pilla girl, daughter; Go. pila, pilla child, young one of animal; Kona. pila child; Pe. pilka young shoot of tree; Kuvi. polli ma:nga bride; Kur. pello: female child, bride; Malt. peli women, Br. pillo:ta small child, orphan (DED.3449).
      s- < *c-
       Maria. sutti: hammer; Ta. cutti, cuttiyal small hammer; Ma. cutti. cuttika hammer; Ka. suttige id; Tu. sutti, suttige id; Te. sutte id; Go (Adilabad). sutte; Kuvi. sutti (DED. 2197).
       In maria there is a free variation between s and c.
       suva:/cuva: well; su:ra:/cu:ra: bangle, sitra:l/ citra:l deer; sa:ta:/ca:ta: umbrella; sa:ni:/ca:ni: rafter; sa:ndi:/ca:ndi silver.
       Maria h < *c which is further developed into zero in some items.
       Ta. a:ru < *ca:ru six; Go. sa:rug, a:rug; Maria. ha:ru > a:ru id.
       Ta. e:r < *ce:r plough; Go. se:r, he:r, e:r; Maria. he:r > e:r plough and team.
       Te. celli, celle, cellelu younger sister; Pa. ca:lal sister; Ga (Oll). se:lal (S). cella:l id; Go. se:lar, se:la: sister; Maria. he:la: > e:la: younger sister.
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