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      -y < *-y
       Maria. koy to pluck, cut, reap; Ta. Ko. Ka. Ko. Pa. Ga (Oll.S) Koy; Ma. koyka; Tu. koipini, koyipini, koyyuni; Te. ko:yu; Go. ko:l:ya:na harvest crops; Kona. koy to cut, reap; Kur. khoyna: reap (DED. 1763).
      r- < *r
       Maria. reppa eyelash; Ta. irappai, rappai, reppai eyelid; Ka. reppa, rappe id; Tu. reppe id eyelash, rampe eyelid; Te. reppa, reppa id; Kol. Kan repa id; Kuvi. reppa eyelash (DED.4242).
      -r- < *-r-
       Maria. ma:rugna: to forget; Ta. mara; Ma. marakka; To. mar; Ka. mare; Ko. nara-; Te. maracu; Kol. mad; Pa. meng; Go. ma:rug ma:rag-, ma:rand to forget; Kui. mra:ga to be lost, mislead (DED. 3897).
      -r < *--
       Maria. na:r village; Ta. na:u country; Ma. na:u; Ka. Tu. na:u; Te. na:u, na:ika a country; Go. na:r village; Kona. na:r; Kuvi. nalyu; na:ju village (DED. 3012).
      l- < *--
       Maria. leyo: lad, young man; Ta. ia, iai young, tender, iaiyavan, lad, youth; Ma. ia tender; Ko.o time of youth, To. e young; Ka. o, ea, ee tenderness, youth; Te. le:ba, le: young, tender, soft; Nk. le:ta young (of infants); Pa. iled young man; youth, ile young woman, girl; Go. ralyo:l adult boy, loyor young (DED.436). In Gondi when the original intervocalic -- comes to the initial position by metathesis, it changes to r- in the northern and eastern dialects and to l- in the south east dilaects (Burrow of Bhattacharya, 1963 : 231).
       Bhattacharya (1960 : 154) notes that “of the retroflex sounds, * is generally lost in Central Dravidian except in Naiki, a dialect of Kolami and the Abujhmaria a dialect of Gondi”. But in our data there are examples where * becomes l, e.g., Ta. ka > kal liquor and also see the examples given below.
       Maria. kalla:na to steal, kalle:n thief; Ta. ka to steal; kaan thief; Ma. kalkuka to steal, kaavan thief; Ko. kav to steal, kan thief; To. ko to steal, kon thief; Ka. ka to steal, kaa thief; Ko·. ka to steal; Tu. kaa stealing; Te. kaa deceit; Go. kalla:na: to steal, kalwai thief; Malt. steal, qalwe. thief (DED.1156).
       -l < *-l
       Maria. ka:l leg; Ta. Ma. Ka. ka:l leg, foot; Ko. ka.l leg; To. ko.l leg; Ko., leg, foot; Te. ka:lu leg, foot; Kol. leg, foot; Pa. ke:l leg; Ga (Oll). ka:l leg; Kui. ka:du leg, foot (DED. 1238).
       In some Maria idiolects lele:nj moon occurs as a variation of le:nj: Ta. Ma. nila: moon, moonlight (DED. 3113). The original initial n- became l- by assimilation to the following l.
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