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      -c- < *-c-
       Maria. ucul spit, spittle; Ta. eccil; Ma. eccil; To. icul; Ka. enjal food or drink which has somehow came eater and therefore regarded as impure; Ko. ecci scraps of food that falls to the floor during meal; Te. engili defiled by contact with the mouth; Go. yengul defiled; Kur. agr to remain over, be passed, escape; Malt. angle to remain over (DED. 666).
       *-c > -y- in Ta. Ma. Ko. To. Pa.
       While *-c- > -s- in Ka. Go.
       Ta. ey to discharge arrows; e: shooting arrows; Ma. eyyuk to thrust an arrow, e:vu shooting; Ko. ey, iy to shoot; Ka. esu, isu id, e:su to throw; Go. Maria. ensa to shoot.
      -cc- < *cc-
       Maria. mucca:na: to cover, mucce: a cover, lid; Ta. muccu to cover; Ko. muc id; Ka. muccu id; mucce cover, lid; Ko. mucc to close; mucci lid; Tu. mucca, mucci, muccu lid of vessel; Te. mu:yu to cover, mu:ta cover; Pa. muy to cover onself, mucca shell covering of the snail; Ga (Oll). muy to cover oneself, (S) mu:y to close; Go. mucca:na to wrap, put new skin for drum, mucci a cover; Kui. musa to cover; Kuvi. mu:cali to surround; Kui. muccna: to close door or lid, shut; Malt. mucce to close or shut up; Br. must, shut, closed (DED. 4025)
       j- < *c-
       Maria. jonna maize, juwar, juwar; Ta. co:am, connal maize, great millet; Ma. co:am id; Ka. jo:a millet; Ko. jo:a great millet; Tu. jo:a id; Te. jonna, jonnalu id; Kol. sonna id; Pa. jenna small maize, juwar; Ga (Oll). jo:nel (S). jonne:l; Go. jo:nna:ng; Nk. sonna (DED.2359).
       Maria. jabba shoulder; Ta. cappai hips, shoulder, blade, ceppu hip, appu thigh; Ka. cappe the hip bone; Te. jabba shoulder, outer side of the thigh; Pa. jabba shoulder (DED. 1931)
      -j- < *-c-
       Maria. kunja: hair-knot (esp. of woman); Ta. kuñci tuft of hir (esp. of men); Ma. kuccu. kuñcam, kuñci tassel, brush (esp. of toddy-drawers); Ka. kuccu, koccu bunch, bundle, cluster, tassel; Tu. kucci, gonju, tassel; Te. tassel, tuft; Go (Ch). kunjar, (Mu). kunjar hair-knot; (Koya). kunja kelk plaited hair; Kui. gusa short hair at the nape of the neck (DED. 1368).
       Maria - < *t- (this may be due to the assimilation of the following retroflex).
       Maria. oi mouth; Ta. tui lip; Ko. tuc; Ka. tui; Tu. dui; Go. oe, oi, oi mouth, face; Kui. o:·a lip; Malt. tora mouth; Ma. coi lip.
       Maria. e:ka teak; Ta. te:kku; Ma. te:kku; Ka. te:gu (DED. 2698).
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