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       Maria. pa:a song; Ta. pa:u song, music; Ma. pa:u; Ka. pa:a: singing, song; Ko. pa:a; Kol. Nk. Pa. pa:a song; Ga (Oll). pa:e song; Go. pa:a; Kur. pa:na to sing, Malt. pa:e to sing (DED. 3348).
       Maria e:i: she-goat; Ta. ya:u, a:u goat, sheep; Ma. a:u; Ko. a. goat; To. o: id; Ka. a:u, id; Ko. a:i id; Tu. a:u; Te. e:a ram; Go. e:i: she-goat; Kui. o:·a goat; Kur. e:a she-goat; Malt. ee id; Br. he: id; Pe. o:a goat; Man·. u:e; Kuvi. o:a id (DED. 4229).
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       Maria. ve:a: hunting; Ta. veam, ve:ai hunting; Ma. ve:a; Ko. ve.t; To. pe:; Ka. be:e, be:ne; Tu. be:i; Te. ve:a, vena; Kol. ve:; Nk. ve:a; Go. vea:; Kuvi. be:a kinai; Pe. be:; Man·. be: (DED. 4567)
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       Maria. kaa bunch, cluster; Ta. Ma. kau tie, bundle; Ko. ka- to tie, build; To. ko¶ bundle, knot; Ka. kau tie, bundle; Ko·. kei knot, bundle; Tu. kau tie, bundle; Te. kau band, bend, tie; Kol. ka- to tie, build; Nk. ka- to tie, build, kaa bund of field, dam; Pa. kaa id; Ga (Oll). ka- to tie; (S). ka- to field; Go. kaa dam across stream; Pe. kaa bank of river; Kuvi. gau bund of field; Malt. gaa rope, cord (DED. 961).
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       Maria. aa:na to cook; Ta. au to cook; Ma. auka to cook; Ko. a- to cook by boiling, bake (pots); To. o to cook; Ka. au id; Tu. aupini id; Te. au a flat thick cake roasted; Go. aa:na: to cook by boiling; Kui. aa to heat or boil liquid (DED 76).
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       Maria. o:ki hollow in a tree; Ta. oku hole or hollow in a tree or wall; Ma. o:kkuka to bore hole into a vessel; Ko. oge, doge to make a hole; Tu. o:gui to grub up grass; Te. ogu hollow in a tree; Ga (Oll) Õ:k inner part of a ant-hill (DED.2423).
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       Maria. uwa:l tiger; Go. ual, u:; u:a:l, duwwal panther; Ta. u-uval tiger; Te. uvvu id; Pa. u: tiger (DED. 596).
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       Maria. oi: mouth; Ta. tui lip; Ko. uc; Ka. tui; Tu. dui; Go. oe, oi; oi mouth, face; Kui. o:a lip (DED. 2698).
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       Maria. na:, na:i: tomorrow; Ta. na:ai; Ma. na:a; Ko. na.; Ka. na:e; Ko. na.e: Go. na:i,na: (DED.3025)
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