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      -g- < *-k-
       Maria. poga tobacco; Ta. pukai smoke; Ma. puka; Ko. peg smoke, pog, po: tobacco; To. pax tobacco; Ka. Ko. poge smoke, tobacco; Nk. pog smoke; Ga (Oll). pog (S). po:gu id; Go. poya, poi, pogo, poga smoke, tobacco; Kuvi. bhoiya, bo:i smoke; Kona. pogo smoke (DED.3483).
       -< *-nk-
       Maria. a:la yawning, opening mouth wide; Ta. aka; opening the mouth; Ko. anga: to look upwards; Tu. anga:vuni to gape; open the mouth; Kol. angasi a yawn; Nk. aga:si id; Pa. aalp to gape, open the mouth wide; Kui. angala ga. with mouth agape. Kuvi. agalacali to gape; Kur. aglana to gape, open mouth; Go (Muria). alng/ali to open (mouth); Mana. ala: to open mouth; Kuvi . agla? to gape, open mouth (DED. 36).
       c- < *c-
       Maria. cuiya:l mouse; Ta. Ma. cu-eli; Ko. cieli; Tu. sueli; cuncu, cunceluka, cueluka; Kol. cinrag musk-rat; Kur. coo mouse (DED.2190).
       PDr. *c is represented in some languages by c- in others by s-. Ta. Ma. Ko. Te. Pa. Kur. Malt. and Br. belong predominantly to the first group (c-); Go.Ka.Kol. Nk. Ga (Oll). Kona. Pe. ManĀ·a. Kui. Kuvi. may be said to belong rather to the second (s-) group (C.Dr.Ph. p. 105). Maria comes under the latter. Besides c- is being retained in Maria, there are further developments.
       c > s > h > Ø
       Maria. sutti hammer; Ta. cutti, cuttiyal small hammer; Ma. cutti, cuttika; Ka. suttige; Tu. sutti, suttige; Te. sutte; Go (Adilabad). sutte; Kuvi. suthi.
       Maria ha:ya:na: to die; Ta. ca: to die; ca:vu death; Ma. ca:ka to die; Ko. ka:r, ca:v person who dies somewhere so that his body is not found; To. soy to die; Ka. sa:y to die, sa:vu death, corpse; Ko. ca:l to die; Tu. saipini to die; Te. ca:vu death; Ga (Oll). say. to die; (S) cay; Go. saia:na: to die; ha:va dead; Kona. sa to die; Kui. sa:va to die; Kuvi. ha:nai to die; Kur. khe, ?ena to die; Malt. keye to die, keyu mortal; Br. kahing to die, cf. Skt. sava corpse (DED.20002).
       Maria. e:r plough and team; Ta. Ma. e:r; Ka. e:ru; Ko. e:r pair of bullocks used in ploughing; To. e:r plough; Te. e:ru plough with oxen; Kol. ce:r plough and team of bullocks; Pa. muccer three pairs of bullocks; Go. se:r, he:r; Pe. he:r set of plough and bullocks; Kui. se:ru yoke of exen; Kuvi. he:ru plough.
       C- < *k- before front vowels, i.e., and . Ta. Ma. have a rest have k. Even Ta. Ma. do not palatalize if the front vowels precede a retroflex consonant , , ,l.
       Ta. Ma. keu to perish, rot, destroy; Te. ceu; Ka. kiu/keu; Go. kai-t; Maria. kaiya:na; Malt. qerme to destroy.
       Ta. Ma. cey to do; Ko. gey; To. kiy; Ka. key, gey; Ko. key; Tu. gey; Te. ce:yu; Ga. key; Go. Maria. ki:, ki:y; Kona. ki:; Kui. ki:, gi:; Br. ke (Ka, kar) < *key.
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