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      Maria e: < *e:
       Maria. pe:n God; To. pe:y devil, madness; Ma. pe. pe:yi demon; Ko. pe:n, pe:nm possession of woman by the spirit of dead; Ko. pe:, he: madness, rage, viciousness, pe:kui demon; Tu. pe:yi demon; Go. pe:n a God; Kui. pe:nu God, spirit; Kuvi. pe:nu: God, devil; Mal. peypeyra to feel fervent or animated; Pe. pe:n God.(DED. 3535).
       Maria. le:nj moon, month; Ta. Ma. nila: moon; Ko. nelaci; Te. nela; Kol. nela; Nk. nela; Pa. nelin; Ga (Oll). nelin (S) nelling, nela month; Ga. nale:nj moon, new moon; Kona. le:nju moon; Kui. da:nju moon, month; Kuvi. lenju:; Pe. Mana. le:nj id. (DED. 3113).
       Zvelebil observes that some items indicate an alternation of e:/a: after *c chiefly in PSDr. but partly in CDr. and NDr. too. Cf. PSDr. *ce:y-/*ca:y- Ta. ca:ttu to smear; Te. cã:du to rub, polish < *ca:ynd-; Tu. te:puni to rub; Ta. Ma. te:y- to waste on rubbing; Te. te:ye to be worn out (by rubbing). Similarly, Ta. ce:r-/ca:r- to reach, to approach. Also, Go. sa:rung, ha:r-six; Ta. Ma. Ka. Te. a:ru id; Pa. se:je:n.
       This e:/a: alternation is common after *y- too, cf. Ta. ya:mai, a:mai; Ka. a:me tortoise; Muria Go. samel, hamul id; Tu. e:me; Ka. e:ve; Kuvi. se:mbi; Go. he:mul; Koya. e:mul id. Similarly, Ta. ya:nai, a:nai elephant; Ka. a:ne; Tu. a:ne; Ko. a:ne; Te. e:nika; Pa. e:nu; Ga (Oll). e:nig; Kona. e:ngu id.
      Maria o < *o
       Maria. ondi, ond ond (non-masc.); Ta. onru one (neuter); Ma. onnu; Ko. od; To. wid- one; Ka. ondu one thing; Ko. ondi; Tu. onji; Te. ou id; Go. undi, uni, und, un one; Ko. on, onoy; Kona. unri one woman or one thing; Kur. o:n, o:nd one full; Malt. ond one (thing) (C.Dr.Ph. p. 62).
       Maria. koya:na; to pluck, cut (crops); Ta. koy to pluck, choose, select; Ma. koyka to cut, reap crop; Ko. koy; To. kwiy to pluck (fruits), Ka. kuy to cut, reap, pluck (as fruit); Ko. koy to pluck, harvest, Tu. koipini, koyipini, koyyuni to cut, reap; Te. ko:yu to cut, reap, pluck; Pa. koy to reap, harvest; Ga (Oll). koy to reap, cut; Go. ko:yi:a:na: to gather fruits, harvest crops; Kona. koy to cut, reap, ko?er sickle; Kui. ko:va to reap, cut off; Kuvi. koiyali to pluck; Kur. khoyna to cut, reap; Kuvi. Malt. qoye to reap; Pe. koy to cut (grass, weeds, etc.), koyes, koves.sickle (DED. 1863).
       Subrahmanyam (1968 : 166-7) says that in Adilabad and Koya dialects of Gondi -o- corresponds to PDr. *i/*e. (Adilabad) phoro:l name; (Koya) peda.r id; Ta. peyar, piyar, pe:r; Te. pe:ru; Pa. pidir; Kur. Malt. pinjto. name. It is uncertain, he says, whether i or e is the original vowel in this entry although DED puts it under *e. According to him this may be due to assimilation of the vowel to the following o:. This statement may hold good by the Maria correspondence poro:y.
       Maria -o corresponds to PSDr. *u. Ta. Ma. mu:kku nose; Ko. To. ku:k; Ka. mu:gu, mu; Ko. mu:ki; Tu. mu:ku, mu:gu; Maria mosor id.
       Maria. malo:l hare; Ta. Ma. muyal; Ko. molm; To. mus; Ka. mola, mala; Ko. mona; Tu. mola.
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