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      Maria e < *e
       Maria. el rat; Ta. Ma. eli; Ko. eyj; To isy; Ka. eli, ili; Ko. ei; Te. eluka; Kol. Nk. elka; Nk (Ch). elli; Pa. eli; Ga (Oll). sirel mouse (S). ci:rel; Go. alli, elli rat; Kon·a elka id; Pe. orli; Mana. urli; Kui. ori?i; Br. hal rat: (DED. 710 and Dr. C.Ph. p. 57).
       Maria. kew ear; Ta. Ma. Te. cevi; Ko. kev; To. kify; Ka. kivi, kimi; Ko. kevi; Tu. kebu. Kol. Nk. kev; Pa. kekol; Ga (Oll). kekol (S). kekkol; Go. kawi; Kui. kiru; Kuvi. kiriyu; Kur. khebda; Malt. qethwu; Br. khaf (DED. 1645). Also. Pe. kitul; Mana. Kona. giy; Ko:ya. keve (C.Dr. Ph. p. 57).
       In some instances *e corresponds to a/e in Maria as well as in CDr.
       Maria. wanju finger; Ta. Ma. viral; Ko. verl; To. pe:; Ka. beral; Ko. bera; Tu. berau, bireu; Te. vre:lu; Kol. Nk. vende; Pa. Ga. vande; Go. veanj, veenj, waenj, wiinj; Kona. aska; Pe. vacka; Mana. vehpa; Kui. vanju: Kuvi. vanju, wa:nju, wansu; ver8ma (DED. 4456 and C.Dr.Ph. p.57).
       Maria. ve:ci: light; Ta. ve, ve white, bright; Ma. vei light; Ko. ve white; To. pot; Ka. bel(u) whiteness; Ko. boi to become white; Tu. beagu brightness; Te. velugu to shine; veli white; Kol. velen light; Pa. vil white; Ga (Oll). viled id; Go. ve: be bright; we·ci light; Pe. Man. inj be white; Kui. lo:ngi id; Kuvi. vella; Kur. bilana: to shine; Malt. bilpu moon. cf. Pkt. villa bright, clear, vilha white (C.Dr.Ph. p.56 and DED 4524).
       Zvelebil observes that *e is replaced by a and i (side by side with e) in the process of dialect differentiation is shown clearly in Gondi. Ta. Ma. Ka. and Koa have e/i for *e. Nak (Ch). has e/a for *e, Kuvi. and Kur. seem to have only a, while Br. has only i and To. has *e > e/i/* and he gives the following instances.
       Ta. en to say so-and-so; Ma. ennuka to sound, say; Ka. en to say, embu a saying, a word; Tu. endnuni to say fully; Ko. enn to say so-and-so; Nk (Ch). en; Kol. Pa. en to say; Ka. annu to say, to speak etc., Tu. anpini, inpini to say, speak; Te. anu or do this; Ko. in to say so-and-so; To in; Go. in, inda:na: to say; Kona. inpa; Man. in; Kui. inba; Kuvi.injali, innai id.
       His observation is further attested in the correspondences found in Maria and other Gondi dialects.
       Adilabad, Yeotmal Gondi. ind-; Betul, Mandla Chindwara Gondi. inda:na; Muria Gondi. in-/ind-; Gondi of Sironcha Tahsil of Chanda. inda:na and Maria Gondi in-/inda:na: (CVGD.173)
       The Gondi e/a alternation for *e obviously provides an isoglass among various Gondi dialects, roughly, in the northern (Mandla, Betual, Chindwara) dialects of Gondi and in Muria Gondi.
       *e > a cf. Maria Gondi. ermi:; Adilabad and Yeotmal Gondi. hermi:; Betul and Mandla Gondi. armi:; Muria. arm, armi buffalo (Ta.
       Further instances: Go yermud (Hislop); Betul Go. amur, amul eight (Ta. eu); Adilabad, Yeotmal, Raj Go. elli; Betul Mandla Go. alli rat (Ta. eli). Adilabad, Yeotmal, Maria.kevi; Maria, Koya Go. kev; Chindwara kavvi; Betul. kawi; Mandla. kavvi; Muria. kavi ear (Ta. cevi); Adilabad, Yeotmal, Koya, Raj Go. nettur; Maria. netur, netral blood, red; Betul, Chindwara, Mandla, Muria, nattur blood, Muria. natral blackish red (C.Dr.Ph. p.59)
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