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G.V.Natarajan Sequential Phrase
       Sequential phrase consists or verbal particlple plus -manj.
wo:r titto:r; tinjmanj wilk, ka:i: aru: mars paysi: mea: taga: hattur; hanjmanj we:a: ki:si: narka: lo:n wa:tor
‘he ate; having eaten (he) went to the hill with bow and arrows and axe; having gone returned home at night after a hunt’
       All the simple sentences is a narrative may be sequentialized as given above. In telling stories it is customary to use this type of sequential phrases from beginning to end.
10.2.0. Description of Phrase structure
(1) Noun phrase
(2) Pronoun phrase
(3) Verb phrase
      ---Periphrastic tenses
      ---Compound verbs
      ---Complex verbs
10.2.1. Noun Phrase
       Noun phrase consists of a noun or verbal noun, noun of agency or an adjective used as noun or head. Noun phrase are of three types: (i) Head modifier, (ii) Serial and (iii) Appositional. Head Modifier
mu:n ka:riya:sk a:sk ‘three black women’
ren cula: lo:hk ‘two small houses’ Serial
iga: ma:iya:, muriya:, ba:tra:, halba:, durwa:,do:rla:, bu:mya:rk manto:r
‘Mariyas, Muriyas, Batras, Halbas, Durwas and Dorlas live here’

pe:nda:te: ko:hla:, arku:, ka:ka:, jonna: wittino:m
‘in shifting caltivation we sow kosra, kuki and juwar’ Apposition
ad diya:te: wo:r onde: a:smatto:r-a:li:, bo:ka and ermi:
‘from that day they became together (i.e., they became friends) cow, goat and buffalo’
       In head modifier type of phrases a vareity of modifying elements like demostrative, possessor, descriptive and quantifier, etc., are included. If more modifiers occur in a noun phrase the general order of their occurence is demostrative, possesive, quantifier and descriptive.
wo:rega:l ma:ne:r
‘a tall man’ (quantifier and descriptive)

id na:wa bane:kta: lo:n
‘this is my beautiful house’ (demonstrative, possessive and descriptive)

aw ha:lu pe:ki
‘those four girls’ (demonstrative and quantifier)

bo:no:r cu·lo:r pe:ko:r
‘whose little boys? (possessor and descriptive)

iw bariya: lo:hkun masiya: pantur
‘Masiya built these big houses’ (demonsratives and descriptives)

nanna: na: iruwi:r tamurkun ucuk hi:ka:n
‘I shall give some to my two brothers’ (possessor and quantifier)
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