Sequential Phrase |
Sequential phrase consists or verbal particlple plus -manj.
wo:r titto:r; tinjmanj wilk, ka: i: aru: mars
paysi: me a: taga: hattur; hanjmanj we: a:
ki:si: narka: lo:n wa:tor
‘he ate; having eaten (he) went to the hill
with bow and arrows and axe; having gone
returned home at night after a hunt’
All the simple sentences is a narrative may be sequentialized as given above. In telling stories it is customary to use this type of sequential phrases from beginning to end.
10.2.0. Description of Phrase structure |
(1) Noun phrase |
(2) Pronoun phrase |
(3) Verb phrase
---Periphrastic tenses
---Compound verbs
---Complex verbs
10.2.1. Noun Phrase |
Noun phrase consists of a noun or verbal noun, noun of agency or an adjective used as noun or head. Noun phrase are of three types: (i) Head modifier, (ii) Serial and (iii) Appositional.
| Head Modifier |
mu:n ka:riya:sk a:sk |
‘three black women’ |
ren cu la: lo:hk |
‘two small houses’ |
| Serial |
iga: ma: iya:, muriya:, ba:tra:, halba:, durwa:,do:rla:, bu:mya:rk manto:r
‘Mariyas, Muriyas, Batras, Halbas, Durwas and Dorlas live here’
pe:nda:te: ko:hla:, arku:, ka:ka: , jonna: wittino:m
‘in shifting caltivation we sow kosra, ku ki and juwar’
| Apposition |
ad diya:te: wo:r onde: a:smatto:r- a:li:, bo:k a and ermi:
‘from that day they became together (i.e., they became friends) cow, goat and buffalo’
In head modifier type of phrases a vareity of modifying elements like demostrative, possessor, descriptive and quantifier, etc., are included. If more modifiers occur in a noun phrase the general order of their occurence is demostrative, possesive, quantifier and descriptive.
wo:r e ga:l ma:ne:r
‘a tall man’ (quantifier and descriptive)
id na:wa bane:kta: lo:n
‘this is my beautiful house’ (demonstrative, possessive and descriptive)
aw ha:lu pe:ki
‘those four girls’ (demonstrative and quantifier)
bo:no:r cu·lo:r pe:ko:r
‘whose little boys? (possessor and descriptive)
iw bariya: lo:hkun masiya: pan tur
‘Masiya built these big houses’ (demons ratives and descriptives)
nanna: na: iruwi:r tamurkun ucuk hi:ka:n
‘I shall give some to my two brothers’ (possessor and quantifier)