Location Phrase |
Location phrase consists of an adverb of place, noun or noun phrase in locative case, a locational noun or noun phrase having a locational noun as its head. It also consists of a direction word meating ‘towards, upto, near’, etc., along with a locational noun.
ad bega: matta:
‘where was it?’ (adverb of place)
wo:r na: e: ma:no:r
‘he will not be in the village’ (noun in locative case)
a j gupa:te: matta: aru: ond diya: mara:tag gu so:r matta:
‘bear was living in forest and one day it was sleeping near tree’
anji: lo:ta: lo:pa: man
‘having gone be inside the house’ (locational noun with a a directional word)
| Manner Phrase |
Manner phrase made of a single adverb of manner or an adverbail phrase of manner.
wo:r tiramte: ko to:r |
‘he writes slowly’ |
ra:ma:l ca:n wi:ttur |
‘Rama ran quickly’ |
walla: ge: wa kma: |
‘do not speak aloud’ |
| Purposive Phrase |
It consists of the word ka:je: meaning ‘for the sake of, for the benefit of’, etc. Sometimes it is formed with the purposive suffix -la:y added to the infinitive of the verb.
un a:la:y e:r hi:m |
‘give water to drink’ |
kaba: kiya:la:y lo:n hattur |
‘he went home to work’ |
tinda:la:y wo:r pasiya: hi:tur |
‘he gave money to (buy) eatables’ |
ni:wa: ka:je: nan id tatta:n |
‘I brought this for you’ |
| Reason Phrase |
The reason is expressed by the form -ne:na: added to the demonstratives.
wo:r paytor adne:na: pilla: ke:yinta:
‘girl is crying because he caught her’
ka:lk no:yinta: adne:na: nan wa:ya: paro:n
‘legs are aching because of that I could not come’
Reason is also expressed by -nin added to the infinitive of the verb. The above given sentences are reproduced below with the suffix -nin.
wo:r pa:ya:nin pilla: ke:yinta: |
ka:lk no:yo:nin nan wa:ya: paro:n |
musur wa:ya:nin wanji ikam a:t ‘because of rain paddy is good’ |