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10.2.2. Pronoun Phrase
       Pronoun phrase consists of pronoun or pronouns as head. They are of two types: (i) Head modifier and (ii) Serial head modifier. Head Modifier
nanna: mi: iruwirkun aga: husimatta:n
‘I had seen you both there’ Serial
aske: nanna:, nimma: aru: wo:r aga: udsimatto:m
‘at that time I, you and he were present there’
10.2.3. Verb Phrase
       Generally finite verb is expressed by a single verb form with the suffixes indicating tense or mood.
nanna: wa:tta:n ‘I came’
ad wa:t ‘it or she came’
wo:r wa:wo:r ‘they will not come’
ad wa:tte:k ‘if it or she comes’
ad punno: ‘she does not know’
       There are cases where there is a string of two or more verbal forms which are due to periphrastic tense, a compound verb or a complex verb. Periphrastic Tense
       In compound tense V1 is of an unrestricted category but V2 is essentially the verb form of ‘to be’. Verb of V1 is the participial form of either the past or the prsent tense.
ma: igge: kaba: ki:si: matto:m
                            V1    V2
‘we were woring here itself’
nimma: hunji matti:n
              V1    V2
‘you were sleeping’
nanna: agga: hanji: matta:n
                      V1      V2
‘I had been there’
wor tinjo:r matto:r ‘he keeps on eating’
         V1     V2
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