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ta:na: ka:lk
‘her legs’ (noun)

id bo:na: pe:ki:
‘whose girl is she’ (pronoun)

wo:r na:k id ke:tur
‘my father told me this’ (pronoun phrase)

wo:na: tammur pasiya: hi:tur
‘his brother gave money’ (noun phrase)

tinda:na: aru: una:na: a:smatta:
‘there was eating and drinking’ (literally eating and drinking happened)

ka:na:l wa:tur
‘blind man came’

leyo:r e:ndito:r
‘youth are dancing’ (adjective)

bane:kta: cu·la: koyta:
‘beautiful short gond woman’ (adjectival phrase) Object
       Object is a single noun or pronoun, a noun or pronoun phrase, an adjective used as noun or verbal noun.
nanna: da:ugo: ua:n
‘I drank liquor’ (noun)

nanna: ni:k hu:ita:n
‘I see you’ (pronoun)

na:k iw bariya: pani: hi:m
‘give me these big fruits’ (noun phrase)

wo:r ma: irwi:rkun lo:n o:htur
‘he took both of us to (his) house’ (pronoun phrase)

nanna: wanji: wita:na: punno:n
‘I do not know sowing seeds’ (verbal noun)
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