This verb stem with person—number—gender markers occurs after the verb stems to form various aspects. |
The verb stem al- is used to indicate the existential negation. |
ave mo e alla
1 2 3 |
'He is not a boy'
1 3 2 |
ava: u enna maga: u alla
1 2 3 4 |
'She is not my daughter’
1 4 2 3 |
The other appellative verbs i e- ‘young’, ceri ‘small’, nal-'good', bali- ‘big’, pudi- ‘new’, kure- ‘little’, mu:t- ‘elder’ take the relative participle marker. |
i e-a |
> |
(R. 12) |
i eya |
‘the one who is young’ |
bali-a |
> |
(R. 12) |
baliya |
‘the one who is big’ |
ceri-a |
> |
(R. 12) |
ceriya |
‘the one who is small’ |
nal-a |
> |
(R. 16) |
nalla |
'the one who is good' |
pudi-a |
> |
(R. 12) |
pudiya |
'the one who is new' |
mu:t-a |
> |
mu:ta |
'the one who is elder' |