Except the appellative verb kure- ‘little’ all others take the participle noun markers. |
i e-ave |
> |
(R. 12) |
i eyave |
‘he, the one who young’ |
i e-ava: u |
> |
(R. 12) |
i eyava: u |
‘she, the one who young’ |
i e-ava:ru |
> |
(R. 12) |
i eyava:ru |
‘they, who are young’ |
bali-ave |
> |
(R. 12) |
baliyave |
‘he, the one who is big’ |
bali-ava: u |
> |
(R. 12) |
baliyava: u |
‘she, the one who is big' |
bali-ava:ru |
> |
(R. 12) |
baliyavar:u |
‘they, who are big’ |
ceri-ave |
> |
(R. 12) |
ceriyave |
‘he, the one who small’ |
ceri-ava: u |
> |
(R. 12) |
ceriyava: u |
‘she, the one who small’ |
ceri-ava:ru |
> |
(R. 12) |
ceriyava:ru |
‘they, who are small’ |
pudi-ave |
> |
(R. 12) |
pudiyave |
‘he, the one who is new' |
pudi-ava: u |
> |
(R. 12) |
pudiyava- u |
‘she, the one who new’ |
pudi-ava:ru |
> |
(R. 12) |
pudiyava:ru |
‘they, who are new’ |
mu:t-ave |
> |
mu:tave |
‘he, the one who elder’ |
mu:t-ava: u |
> |
mu:tava: u |
‘she, the one who elder’ |
mu:t-ava:ru |
> |
mu:tava:ru |
‘they, who are elder’ |