(ii) Past |
The past progressive aspect is formed by suffixing -a:, which indicates the progress to the past stem of the verb in case of verbs taking -u as the verbal participle marker. In case of verbs taking -i as the verbal participle marker, the suffix -ko is suffixed to the verbal participle form of the verb. |
The progress indicator is followed by the past tense form of the auxiliary verb iru ‘to be’ and PNG. |
ure-c-a:-ind-PNG |
> |
ureca:ind-PNG |
‘was smearing’ |
ae-c-a:-ind-PNG |
> |
‘was sharpening’ |
naa-nd-a:-ind-PNG |
> |
‘was walking’ |
nane-nj-a:-ind-PNG |
> |
nanenja:ind-PNG |
‘was becoming wet' |
pa:-i-ko-ind-PNG |
> |
‘was singing’ |
pa:r-i-ko-ind-PNG |
> |
pa:rikoind-PNG |
‘was flying’ |
naa-t-i-ko-ind-PNG |
> |
‘was making to walk’ |
ava:u nila ureca:indalu
1 2 3 |
‘She was smearing the floor’
1 3 2 |
ave polatu u:yikoinda
1 2 3 |
‘He was ploughing the land’
1 3 2 |