In the nasal series Malayalam has six nasals /m, n, n, n, , N/,whereas Yerava has /m, n, , / only as phonemes. The velar and alveolar nasals /N/ and /n/ are not phonemic but they are allophones of of /n/, the former occurring with the velar voiced stop and the other one occurring with dental voiced stop /d/. |
In the lateral series Malayalam and Yerava share /l/ and //. Where Malayalam has /l/ the corresponding sound in is /y/. |
May be due to the frontalization of Malayalam /a/ in Yerava to /e/, the medial /NN/ is palatalized. Hence /NN/ of Malayalam has corresponding in Yerava //. |
ma:NNa |
‘mango’ |
ma:e |
te:NNa |
‘coconut’ |
te:e |
In Malayalam palatal nasal // occurs initially. But the same does not occur initially in Yerava. |
a:n |
'I' |
na:nu |
au |
‘crab’ |
neu |
aMMal |
‘we’ (Excl) |
na:ngau |
In the lateral series Malayalam and Yerava share /l/ and //. Here Malayalam has /l/ the corresponding sound in is /y/. |
/mala/ |
‘rain’ |
/maye/ |
/va:la/ |
‘banana’ |
/ba:ye/ |
/pulu/ |
‘worm’ |
/puyu/ |
The word initial /v/ of Malayalam has correspondingly /b/ in Yerava. |
vala |
‘net’ |
bale |
va:l |
‘tail’ |
ba:lu |
va: |
‘come’ |
ba: |
vikku |
‘stammer’ |
bikku |
va: |
‘sword’ |
ba:u |