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The aim of this study is to present a descriptive analysis of Yerava speech. This has been done in chapters 2 to 8. Wherein matters relating to phonology, morphophonemics, noun morphology, verb morphology, adjectives and adverbs, particles and clitics, syntax have been presented. In order to place the Yerava speech in a proper geographical and sociocultural perspective, chapter 1 presented the ethnography of the Yeravas. In this chapter, chapter 9, the investigator presents a brief interdialectal comparison of Yerava dialects and a brief comparison of the Yerava speech with Kodagu, Kannada and Malyalam languages with whom the Yeravas have both geographical and social contacts. This brief comparison is done only to place the Yerava speech in a linguistic perpective.
Since such a comparison is not the focus of the thesis, it is needless to say that the comparison is rather sketchy and that it farther work.
9.1.    Paniya Yerava and Panjiri Yerava
As already stated this dissertation presents a description of Yerava based on Paniya Yerava speech. Another and perhaps the only other, section of Yerava tribe which has a distinct its own is Panjiri Yerava. Some important differences between the two speeches are highlighted below.
9.1.1.    Phonological
There are four nasals having phonemic status in Paniya Yerava. They are /m/, /n/, /n/ and //. There are five nasals having phonemic status in Panjiri Yerava. They are /m/, /n/, //, // and /N/.
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