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In Paniya Yerava the nasal // does not occur initially. In Panjiri Yerava the same occurs word initially.
aku   ‘for me'
Word medially, the nasal // of Paniya Yerava has /nj/ correspondingly in Panjiri Yerava.
Paniya Yerava   Panjiri Yerava
ne:elu ‘plougher’ ne:njelu
kai ‘rice broth’ kanji
The retroflex palatal lateral /l/ is not there in Paniya Yerava. But it is present in Panjiri Yerava.
la:u   ‘two’
Note that only in Panjiri Yerava, a lateral occurs in the word initial position. Note also, that the corresponding word in Paniya Yerava is ira:u ‘two’.
The retroflex palatal lateral /l/ found in many Dravidian languages has correspondingly /y/ in Paniya Yerava. The same is /v/ in Panjiri Yerava.
maye ‘rain’ ma:vu
puyu ‘worm’ pu:vu
ba:ye ‘banana’ ba:vu
kayi ‘to wash’ kavu
u:yu ‘to plough’ u:vu
kiya:ngu ‘sweet roots’ kuva:ngu
The initial /u/ and /i/ of Paniya Yerava in certain words are dropped correspondingly in Panjiri Yerava words.
ura:i ‘wife’ ra:i
ura:e ‘husband’ ra:e
uge:ru ‘hight’ ge:ra
ua:ku ‘to dry’ a:kn
ire:ci ‘mutton’ re
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