The literacy statistics for the year 1971 is as follows:
Total Yerava population:
Males 7,087; Females 6,656
Total literate Yerava population:
Males 438; Females 173
Percentage of literacy:
In order to compare the National, State and District literacy I figures with the literacy figures for Yeravas, the following information is provided as per 1971 Census.
National average
Average: 29.45%; Males:39.46%; Females: 18.70%
State average
Average:31.52%; Males:41.62%; Females:20.97%
District average
Average:51.12%; Males:57.62%; Females:43.88%
Yerava average
Average:4.45%; Males:6.18%; Females:2.60%
1.12.5 Communication pattern
A brief sketch of intergroup, intertribal and non-tribal communication pattern of Yeravas observed during the field trips is given here. The following are the communication situations that a Yerava comes across in his daily routine in the order of an overall frequency.
The following is generally applicable to Yerava adult male.