and the `funeral bed’ will be carried by the people from the same clan to the burial ground. All the relatives of the deceased follow the funeral procession which is accompanied by a group of musical instrument; players who sing a `sa:vu pa: u with their respective instruments. As an accompaniment to the `sa:vu pa: u’ those who follow the funeral procession dance according to the tune of the music. On arrival at the burial place, the funeral bed is placed on the ground. |
Before the funeral procession reaches the burial ground a rectangular pit of 6 to 9 feet depth and 4 feet width is made ready for the burial of the body. The dead body along with the `funeral bed’ is kept by the side of the pit and the `sa:vu pa: u’ and dance continue till the actual burial takes place. | Burial Ground |
`koppe’ or `koppe ku:re is the general name used for a burial ground. Separate `koppe ku:re’ is available for each clan. Following is the list of different burial grounds allotted to different clans. |
clan name |
Name of the burial ground |
i) |
kalka i |
mu:le koppe |
ii) |
kuRungä |
vëya:R koppe |
iii) |
uppilige |
vengiya koppe |
iv) |
sambarä |
ka:reppene koppe |
v) |
pe:radavä |
ve isi koppe |
vi) |
kuppä |
vende koppe |
vii) |
de:va ä |
malli koppe |
viii) |
ve agä |
malli koppe |
ix) |
pungä |
ka:Re pe e |
x) |
ko uvä |
kallamba ayam koppe |
xi) |
ko: igä |
ma:mannu:ru koppe |
xii) |
po:rigä |
ve isi koppe |
It is observed that the `koppe ku:re’ named `ve isi koppe’ is common to the clans `peradavä’ and `porigä’. Similarly, `malli koppe’ is shared by `deva ä’ and `ve gä’. There is no valid explanation for such sharing of the burial ground. Both `ve isi koppe’ and `malli koppe’ are divided into two halves each and one half of `ve isi kope’ is meant for the persons from `pe:radavä’ and the other half is utilised by `po:rigä’. Similarly, half of `malli koppe’ is utilised by `de:va ä’ and the other half is meant for the persons from the clan `ve agä’. |