1.10. Entertainment |
There have been changes noticed in the life of Uralis in many ways. Uralis say that their ancestors were fond to dancing, mimicry and many other games such as target shooting by using bows and arrows, etc. But, at present Uralis report this art is also fast becoming extinct and that the younger generation is not enthusiastic to pursue such aesthetic pursuits. However, some new types of games have crept into their culture in recent years. The yonger boys play `goli’, (marbles) `go-go’, etc. whereas the girls play tossing of pebbles or seeds. Among the children, both the sexes are found of playing `hide and seek’. |
Elders at time splay cards and indluge themselves in a type of native gambling. The art of dancing is almost extinct. During the festival seasons. Uralis go to the temple with native musical instruments and a primitive type of dancing is practised following the tune of the music. Only a few persons participate in this. Uralis appear to prefer to do the minimum work just enough to earn their livelihood and the rest of the time is spent on gossip. This, perhaps, is not much different from the scene in the plains in many villages. |
1.10.1. Music |
Almost every house has either a drum or a kind of native flute made of bamboo called `pi:nasi’. These instruments are used only during the ceremonies or festivals. Single, and a primitive type of soft note is played through the air instrument and the accompanying drum beating is also not complicated. I have observed only two notes attested to their music knowledge namely fast and slow music. The former is played during the festival seasons, whereas the latter during death ceremony. |
1.11. Physical Cleanliness |
In total, there is no significance attached for daily bath and personal cleanliness. However, the majority of the Uralis clean their teeth every morning with charcoal or with readymade powder purchased from market. During the weekly holidays, most of them take bath in hot water and wash their clothes. Common, open bath system is observed. That is, for one tribal settlement, in more than one place, water is heated in big vessels and the interested persons come to that place and have their bath. Cosmetics and toilet soap are not common. Ladies and young girls apply oil on their hair, comb, and plait neatly or collect hair at the occiput and use vermilion paste after the bath. Rarely jasmine or some other jungle flowers are also seen on their heads. |
1.11.1. Tattooing |
The ladies are sometimes seen with tatooed figures on their body. |
In the culture of Uralis, there is no religious or social importance attached to tattooing even in the ancient times. Instead, tattooing depends on only idiosyncratic will of the individual concerned: The society does not impose any condition. Indelible patterns are tatooed exclsively among females. No male is seen with tattooed impressions. There is none within the ethnic group who can undertake the work of tattooing. Generally tatooing is done by persons of a nomadic tribe who visit the Urali tribal pockets once or twice in a year. Also, there is no restriction over the figure tattooed. Generally the figures of the star, animals, flowers, etc., are tattooed. Tattooing is done either in the forehead or in the fore arm. |