Generally ornaments are made up of brass, silver, copper, gold, corals, glass, pearls and different kinds of beads. Iron and steel are not used. If the family is rich, costlier metals are used in preparing the ornaments. Among the above mentioned ornaments, excepting the `netti po u’ and `da:bbu’, the rest are worn by the ladies most of the time. The above mentioned materials used for personal decoration are generally obtained from the market at Sathyamangalam. |
The marital status of a man cannot be ascrtained either by their dress or by the ornaments, but, with the help of a wed-lock made of a single yellow thread with a small locket in it which is worn only by a married woman, the marital status of a woman can easily be identified. |
It is understood that during the ancient time, the ancestors of Uralis used to tuck peacock quill and porcupine throns on their turbans during the family functions, but now this practice is extinct. In fact, no natural materials such as seeds, skins of animals, nail or teeth of animals are used as ornaments. |
1.8.9. Utensil |
In contrast with the mud vessels used in olden days, at present only aluminium or brass vessels which are purchased from the market are in use. |
1.8.10. Hunting |
As stated earlier, Uralis are basically agriculturalists. However, the art of hunting is not unknown to the community. During the ancient period, hunting was effected with the help of bows and arrows. Recent restrictions for the preservation of animals and the strict enforcement of these regulations by the government have made the Uralis forget the art of hunting. However, Uralis are not afraid of any wild beast other than rogue elephants. They claim that they can face any animal excepting a rogue elephant without any perturbance or fear. Most of the men had many encounters mainly with bears and tigers which are found in plenty in these areas. Even now, venison is considered to be the most delicious and luxury dish among the Uralis and every opportunity is cleverly utilised to kill a deer for its meat in spite of the severe punishment one can expect if caught by the forest department gaurds. |
1.9. Daily Routine |
Human life in the hamlets of these jungles starts at sun rise with a dull melody in that virgin atmosphere. After a minimum wash, men attend to milking, women turn to kitchen and concentrate on cooking. After a heavy breakfast of `ragi’, approximately at 8 a.m., the elders who own cattle will set out with the milk to the nearest bus stop to send their products to different destinations utilising the transport facility. Depending on the season, agricultural work will be attended to. Some of the young boys will drive the cattle toward the jungle in search of new pasture, some boys and women set out for the collection of different forest produce mentioned earlier and some will be staying back. House wives including old men and women will sit at ease after the departure of their wards and masters. Men at the bus stand after sending the milk, will attend to some small works such as carrying water and grinding flour at the petty shops owned by the non tribals and idle out the major part of the day. At dusk, they start their return journey and go to bed at 10 pm. |
Monday is observed as a total holiday for the shepherd boys. However, those who collect forest produce and the men who supply milk will perform their duties as usual. |