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Sam Mohan Lal
         i)   avä aittä (Decl.) ‘He bet’
               he - bet
               avä aittä (Interr.) ‘He bet ?’
         ii)   mara:tti kuruvi irukku (Decl.) ‘Bird is there in (the) tree’
               tree (Loc.) - bird - there
               mara:tti kuruvi irukku (interr.) ‘Bird is there in (the) tree?’
6.2 Minor Sentences
Minor sentences include mainly vocatives, utterances with exclamation, and short replies. Mostly these sentences will function as independent units or can also be attached to the neighbouring sentences.
6.2.1 Vocative
Vocative is formed by the lengthening of the final vowel of the noun (3.8.9). These vocative type is derived from the noun.
               lasm-i: ‘Oh ! Lakshmi’
               nanc-ä: ‘Oh ! Nancha’
               so:R-e: ‘Oh ! pigeon’
Another form of vocative expression is also used in Urali. This is effected by using certain vocative elements like e: and o: in the beginning of the utterance.
               o: lasmi: ‘Oh ! Lakshmi’
               e : gunä : ‘Oh ! Gunda’
6.2.2 Exclamation
Exclamatory utterances can be attached to some minor sentences also.
               o: puli ! ‘Oh, tiger !’
               o: agvė! ‘Oh, (my) mother!’
6.2.3 Short replies
Answer to certain questions can function as a sentence. These answers may be a single word or a phrase.
         i)   Q. adu ä:ru ? ‘Who (is) that?’
               that - who
         A.   ra:mä ‘Raman’
         ii)   Q. ava enna se:ga ? ‘What (is) she doing ?’
               she - what - do
         A.   ve:le ‘Work’
         iii)   Q. eppRa kala:sinä? ‘How much he mixed ?’
               how much - mixed (P.T.)
               A. ėtteni ‘Little bit’






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