a ag-a:na |
a aga:na |
‘beautiful’ |
veld-a:na |
velda:na |
‘old’ |
kė: -a:na |
kė: a:na |
‘bad’ |
A noun or pronoun in genitive can also function as a nominal modifier which can otherwise be called as possessive adjective. |
nanna ku:re ( |
‘my house’ |
pammuttu pu i ( |
‘fruit juice’ | Adjectives from noun through relative participle. |
The relative participle and the negative relative participle can function as a nominal modifier. |
ė:Rina mara (4.11.1) |
‘the tree which was climbed’ |
me:ga:da dana (4.11.1) |
‘the cattle which do/did not graze’ |
illa:da mara |
‘the tree which does not exist’ | Adjectives from numerals |
By the addition of the suffix -a:va (3.10.15) certain ordinals are derived from the cardinal numerals and will function as nominal modifiers. |
patt-a:va (5.19) |
> |
patta:va u |
‘tenth’ |
onR-a:va (5.19) |
> |
onRa:va u |
‘first’ | Reduplicated adjective |
Increase of intensity in the meaning is expressed in this type of nominal modifiers through the reduplicated utterance of the simple adjective. |
nalla nalla |
‘good good’ |
pa.ya pa:ya |
‘old old’ |
ba: a ba: a |
‘much much’ |
Certain adjectives discussed earlier, though the indeclinable, have the characteristic features of verbs. In other words, these basic adjectives behave like verbs and can take or are capable of taking other verbal suffixes such as participial noun, relative participle, third person and gender and number suffixes. For example, the simple qualitative and descriptive adjectives such as nalla, pa:ya, pudiya, biliya, etc., can be analysed as the adjectival stem plus the relative participle marker -a. |
nal-a (5.18) |
> |
nalla |
pudi-a (5.17) |
> |
pudiya |
bili-a (5.17) |
> |
biliya |