The various verbal suffixes these adjectives take are discussed below. |
Relative participle |
nal-a (5.18) |
> |
nalla |
‘good’ |
perudd-a |
> |
perudda |
‘big’ |
bili-a (5.17) |
> |
biliya |
‘big’ |
aRi-a (5.17) |
> |
aRiya |
‘rare’ |
illa:d-a |
> |
illa:da |
‘that which does not exist’ |
Participial noun |
veld-a-an (5.14.22) |
> |
veldavä |
‘he who is old’ |
perudd-a-a (5.14.23) |
> |
peruddava |
‘she who is big’ |
cin-a-d (5.18,19) |
> |
cinnadu |
‘that which is small’ |
illa:d-a-a (5.14,23) |
> |
illa:dava |
‘she who does not have’ |
Gender and Number |
These stems also take the gender and number suffixes. Masculine gender is represented by -an (, feminine by -a ( neuter singular by -d ( and plural by -vei ( Epicene plural is represented by the suffix -ar. |
nal-a-an (5.18,22) |
> |
nallavä |
‘good man’ |
cin-a-a (5.18,23) |
> |
cinnava |
‘small girl’ |
u -a-d (5.18,19) |
> |
u adu |
‘(it) exist’ |
bili-a-ar (5.17,14,19) |
> |
biliyavaru |
‘big persons’ |
veld-a-ar (5.14,19) |
> |
veldavaru |
‘old persons’ |
cin-a-vei (5.18) |
> |
cinnavei |
‘small things’ |
4.22.2 Verbal modifiers | Simple adverbs |
Like the simple adjectives, the simple adverbs are also monomorphemic in nature. Following are some of the simple adverbs used in Urali. |
jina:mu |
‘daily’ |
nė:RRu |
‘yesterday’ |
o:Raka |
‘tomorrow’ |
ma a |
‘slowly’ |
a ikka i |
‘often’ |
maRup ima atta:ru |
‘(they) spoke again’ |