Durative |
The auxiliary verb - [k]o iru- gives the durative notion. It is observed that the voiceless plosive of the auxiliary verb - [k]o iru- is sometimes optionally deleted in the speech. |
{-[k]o iru} |
~-[k]o iru- |
e ud-in-Ø-[k]o iru-k-Ø-a (5.20,1,23) |
> |
e udio irukka(5.20,17,1) e udiyo irukka |
‘she is writing’ |
anc-in-Ø-[k]o iru-nd-an (5.20,22) |
> |
anciko irundä/ (5.20,17,22)anciyo dirun ä |
‘he had been scared’ |
Auxiliary verb -a:s has a special character in Urali. That is, -a:s will be occuring only after the conjugated forms of all the other auxiliary forms. The addition of -a:s gives a completive notion to the complex verb stems. |
sambäri-t-Ø-vey-t-Ø-a:s (5.1,19,4) |
> |
sambärittuvetta:su |
‘had earned’ |
na a-nd-Ø-ka: -in-Ø-a:s(5.19,20,17) |
> |
na anduka: iya:su |
‘had demonstrated to walk’ |
Rong-k-in-Ø-mu i-t-Ø-a:s(5.5,7,20,1,19) |
> |
Rokkimu itta:su |
‘had made (x) to sleep’ |
anc-in-Ø-vi -t-Ø-a:s(5.20,5,6,19) |
> |
ancivi a:su |
‘had scared’ |
i-nd-Ø-po:-n-Ø-a:s (5.19) |
> |
indupo:na:su |
‘had broken’ |
4.19.2. Modals | Obligatory |
{-o um} |
~-o um |
sambäri-k-a-o um (5.1,10) |
> |
sambärikko um |
‘should earn’ |
vaRu-k-a-o um (5.1,10) |
> |
vaRukko um |
‘should fry’ | Potential |
{-mu i-} |
~-mu i- |
kala:s-g-mu i-g-Ø-ed (5.19) |
> |
kala:sugamu igedu |
‘(one) can mix’ |
na a-k-a-mu i-g-Ø-ed (5.1,19) |
> |
na akkamu igedu |
‘(one) can walk’ |