iii) Tense (nonpast) |
As stated earlier (4.6), Urali has only two way distinction to express tense. They are, past and nonpast. Past tense is marked with different morphemes whereas there is no overt marker to denote the nonpast tense in this speech form. As a result of this, in the affirmative nonpast sentences, the nonpast relative participle form is expressed by the verb root + L.M. + the nonpast Ø + relative participle. The nonpast relative participle construction can be identified with reference to the following noun which is being qualified by the participle notion. |
a) Nonpast |
menni-k-Ø-a a ä (5.1) |
> |
mennikka a ä |
‘brother who forgives’ |
nil-k-Ø-a do u (5.1,3) |
> |
nikka do u |
‘the bison which stands’ |
var-g-Ø-a a ä (5.19) |
> |
varuga a ä |
‘brother who comes’ |
e:-vus-g-Ø-aa ä(5.19) |
> |
e:vusuga a ä |
‘brother who cause to break’ |
b) Past |
va:s-in-a a: u |
> |
va:sina a: u |
‘(one who) combed’ |
namb-in-a a: u |
> |
nambina a u |
‘(one who) believed’ |
kaRa-nd-a a: u |
> |
kaRanda a: u |
‘(one who) milked’ |
ė:R-is-in-a a: u |
> |
ė:Risina a: u |
‘(one who) caused to climb’ |
iv) Negative relative participle |
me:g-a:d-a |
> |
me:ga:da |
‘(that which) does/did not graze’ |
ä a-k-a:d-a |
> |
ä akka:da (5.1) |
‘(one who) does/did not measure’ |
ki:-k-a:d-a |
> |
kikka:da (5.1) |
‘(one who) does/ did not tear’ |
ki:-pis-g-a:d-a (5.1,19) |
> |
ki:ppisuga:da |
‘(one who) does/did not to tear’ |
4.12 Verbal Participle |
There are two verbal participle markers. There is no explicit marker to denote the positive verbal participle. The marker used for the negative verbal participle is -a which follows always the negative marker -a:d ( |
St.- [Tr.] - [cau.] [-L.M.] Neg1 {-Ø} |
-Ø, -e |