4.1.3. Class III |
The verb stems which take -t- as past tense marker belong to this class. | Inherent transitive |
e u-t-iri (5.1) |
> |
e uttiri |
‘(you pl.) took’ |
a i-t-an (5.1,22) |
> |
a ittä |
‘(he) bet’ |
a u-t-a (5.1,23) |
> |
a utta |
‘(she) cooked’ |
uni-t-iri (5.1) |
> |
unittiri |
‘(you pl.) thought’ |
pR-t-a (5.23,23) |
> |
peRRa |
‘(she) gave birth’ |
po:t-iri (5.1) |
> |
po:ttiri |
‘(you) covered’ |
pa i- |
‘learn, study, read’ |
paRi- |
‘pluck’ |
pa:r- |
‘see’ |
pu i- |
‘touch’ |
tin- |
‘eat’ |
kė: - |
‘ask, hear’ |
jeyi- |
‘win’ |
ju - |
‘burn’ |
sinka:ri- |
‘decorate’ |
si uvi - |
‘whistle’ |
sambäri- |
‘earn’ |
sore- |
‘shave’ |
men- |
‘chew’ |
menni- |
‘forgive’ |
na - |
‘plant’ |
le- |
‘call’ |
vi - |
‘leave’ |
vi a:ppi- |
‘request’ |
ve- |
‘place’ |
vede- |
‘sow’ |
vaRu- |
‘fry’ | Intransitives | Intransitive1 (Intr1) which cannot be made transitive. |
eni-t-ad (5.1,19) |
> |
enittadu |
‘be sweet’ |
ė e-t-iri (5.1) |
> |
ė ettiri |
‘became weak’ |
o e-t-ad (5.1,19) |
> |
o ettadu |
‘(it) barked’ |
pe e-t-a (5.1.23) |
> |
pe etta |
‘(she) survived’ |
pu i-t-ad (5.1,19) |
> |
pu ittadu |
‘(it) sour’ |