nu:tt- occurs before any numeral less than hundred and before the other numeral bases are added -i- is added, as a link. |
nu:tt-i-re (5.19) |
> |
nu:ttire u |
‘hundred and one’ |
nu:tt-i-e (5.19) |
> |
nuttie u |
‘hundred and eight’ | -nu:R occurs elsewhere. |
eRu-nu:R (5.19) |
> |
eRunu:Ru |
‘two hundred’ |
ay-nu:R (5.19) |
> |
aynu:Ru |
‘five hundred’ |
e -nu:R (5.9,19) |
> |
e u:Ru |
‘eight hundred’ |
nu:R-a: (5.19) |
> |
nu:Ra: u |
‘hundred persons’ |
3.10.13 Thousand |
{a:yira-} |
a:yiratt-, -a:yira | a:yiratt- occurs before any numeral less than thousand and -i- is added as a link after a:yiratt-, if the other numeral base begins with a consonant and it is deleted if the other numeral has a vowel. |
a:yiratt-i-re (5.19) |
> |
a:yirattire  |
‘thousand and two’ |
a:yiratt-i-nu:R (5.19) |
> |
a:yirattinu:Ru |
‘one thousand and one hundred’ |
a:yiratt-a:R (5.19) |
> |
a:yiratta:Ru |
‘one thousand and six’ | -a:yira occurs elsewhere |
na:l-a:yira |
> |
na:la:yira |
‘four thousand’ |
ombad-a:yira |
> |
ombada:yira |
‘nine thousand’ |
patt-a:yira |
> |
patta:yira |
‘ten thousand’ |
3.10.14. Lakh |
{-lecca} |
α leccatt- α -lecca | leccatt- occurs before any numeral less than a lakh and -i- is added as a link after the numeral base leccatt- before the other numerals are added to it. -i- is deleted if the other numeral starts with a vowel. |
leccatt-i-mu:nR (5.19) |
> |
leccattimu:nRu |
‘one lakh and three’ |
leccatt-a:yira |
> |
leccatta:yira |
‘one lakh and one thousand’ | α -lecca occurs elsewhere. |
e -lecca (5.19) |
> |
e ulecca |
‘eight lakhs’ |
patt-lecca (5.19) |
> |
pattulecca |
‘two lakhs’ |
a:R-lecca (5.19) |
> |
a:Ru lecca |
‘six lakhs’ |
3.10.15. Orinals |
{a:va } |
α -a:va |
patt-a:va (5.19) |
> |
patta:va u |
‘tenth’ |
nu:R-a:va (5.19) |
> |
nu:Ra:va u |
‘hundredth’ |