3.9. Derivative Nouns |
The derivative suffix in Urali which is a bound form can take both masculine and feminine markers. The suffix used is {-kar-} which has the possessive meaning. It is preceded by the noun stem and followed by either the masculine singular -an ( or the feminine singular -i ( |
{-kar-} |
~ -kar- |
sonda-kar-an (5.22) |
> |
sondakarä |
‘relative’ (mas.) |
sonda-kar-i |
> |
sondakari |
‘relative’ (fem.) |
dana-kar-an (5.22) |
> |
danakarä |
‘man who owns more cattle’ |
dana-kar-i |
> |
danakari |
‘woman who owns more cattle’ |
u:r-kar-an (5.22) |
> |
u:karaä |
‘village man’ |
u:r-kar-i |
> |
u:rkari |
‘village woman’ |
ro:sa-kar-an(5.22) |
> |
ro:sakarä |
‘angry man’ |
ro:sa-kar-i |
> |
ro:sakari |
‘angry woman’ |
3.10 Numerals |
Cardinals |
The basic numerals in Urali are the numbers from one to ten, hundred, thousand and lakh. The cardinal numbers from eleven to nineteen are formed by adding the basic numeral from one to nine to the numeral stem patt- (The alternants of this stem is discussed in,2,11). The numbers for twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy and eighty are formed by the multiplication of the numeral -pad with the respective numeral adjective. |
iru-pad (5.15,19) |
> |
iruvadu |
‘twenty’ |
muC-pad (5.12,19) |
> |
muppadu |
‘thirty’ |
na:l-pad (5.8,19) |
> |
na:ppadu |
‘forty’ |
The number for ninety is formed by the addition of -nu:R to the numeral stem to½-. |
to -nu:R (5.8,9,19) |
> |
to :Ru |
‘ninety’ |
The cardinal form of hundred (nu:Ru) is added to the numeral form of two, three, four, five, six, seven and eight in order to express the numbers 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800 respectively. The resultant form is a complex construction. |
eRu-nu:R (5.19) |
> |
eRunu:Ru |
‘two hundred’ |
muC-nu:R (5.12,19) |
> |
munnu:Ru |
‘three hundred’ |
na:l-nu:R (5.3,19) |
> |
na:nu:Ru |
‘four hundred’ |
ay-nu:R (5.19) |
> |
aynu:Ru |
‘five hundred’ |