


Noun Morphology
     The kinds of suffixes which occur with the stems define the class of stems. Nouns in Purki may thus be defined on the basis of the suffixes with which they occur. The stems which can occur with case suffixes are nouns. These stems will not however occur with tense suffixes.

     The nouns which are animate are marked for gender in Purki. Differendt suffixes are added with the noun stems in order to denote the masculine and feminine gender. Unlike Hindi and other Indo-Aryan languages, not all the nouns in Purki are inflected for gender.
Masculine Gender
   The morpheme which denotes masculine gender has two allomorphs. The forms -pho and -o denote the masculien gender. The form -o is found occurring with only one lexical item.
baqpho ‘bridegroom’
byapho ‘cock’
rgyalpho ‘king ; ruler’
skutpho ‘wife’s brother’
The suffix -o is found occuring in
apo ‘old man’
Feminine Gender
      The morpheme -mo expresses feminine gender. It has two allomorphs -mo and -i. The allmorph -i occurs with only one lexical item.
bomo ‘girl’
bamo ‘bride’
khimo ‘bitch’
byamo ‘hen’
rgyalmo ‘queen’
-i is found in
api  ‘old woman’
    In the order of occurrence, the gender suffix follows the noun stem. It precedes the suffix which denotes the number (see 3.1.2). This may be shown as
Noun stem + Gender

      In the case of inanimate nouns, the gender is not marked by any suffix because such classification is absent in inanimate nouns.

      The nouns in Purki are inflected for number. Singular versus plural distinction is made by the inflection of different suffixes with the noun stems. In the order of occurrence, the suffix denoting the number follows the gender suffix. In other words, the gender suffix precedes the number suffix (see 1.1.2).

Noun stem + Gender + Number
      There is no suffix in Purki to denote the singular number. The noun stems as such denote the singular. The singular nouns in Purki are unmarked.





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